나는......너무 행복해 (3)

397 16 4

Jinyoung's POV

"You....YOU KILLED HER!" My father pointed his finger at me.

"Because of you, she...she died." He collapsed to the ground and cried.

I know.....I know that it was my fault. I shouldn't have been born into this world.

I kneeled down to him, my small palms patting his back.

"You murderer! Don't touch me!" He ran to his room and started packing.

He soon came out with a luggage.

"D-daddy!" I grabbed onto his pants.

"Get off me!" He slammed the door and left.

My mother died because she gave birth to me. Everyday my father would have an episode and he would breakdown. He always left the house and came back few days later. But this time....he really wasn't coming back.

I was a five year old kid when he left. I was sent to an orphanage and everyday I would sit near the window, praying that he would come and get me soon.

But that never happened.

"It was him. The one that killed his mother."

"No wonder his dad left him."

Comments, insults were thrown at me.

"He doesn't deserve to be happy."

He's right.

"Jinyoung.....Jinyoung......Jinyoung!" I woke up from a nightmare and saw Jihoon staring back at me.

"GAHHH!" I fell off the chair.

"Bae Jinyoung, out of the class now!"

I squatted outside of the classroom with my hands out to the sky. All of a sudden Jihoon came out and squatted beside me.

"What happened to you?" I asked him.

"I talked in class."

"And why would you do that? You can see that she's in a bad mood right?"

"I just wanted to be out here with you." I blushed at the words he said.

"Seeing you being punished alone makes my heart hurt." He continued.


"I can't leave you alone. I am going to protect you from the world."

"Stop it."

"You're always so depressed. You should smile more."


"Is there something going on here?" The teacher asked us from the window.


School finished and I couldn't get a sight of Jihoon. It's not that I was looking for him, it's just weird that he's not around.

I grabbed my bag and left the class. As I was walking towards the school gate, I saw Jihoon leaning against the wall.

I walked past him and he started following me.

"Stop following me!" I yelled at him.

"I have a question." He walked a bit faster and started walking beside me.

"Don't ask."

"Do you not like happiness?"


"It's fine if you don't want to answer-"

"I'm not allowed to be happy." I stopped walking which made him stop too.

"What do you mean? Who needs permission to be happy?"

"I'm going home." I quickened my footsteps and walked home. He stopped following me and just stood there like a confused fool.

Why did I have to say that to him? Now he's gonna start asking questions.

I laid on my bed, frustrated. How am I going to face him tomorrow?

No, I'm just gonna avoid him.

"Ding Dong!" Who's that? No one ever visits me.

I opened the door slowly and saw Jihoon panting. So much for the plan of avoiding him.

He bent down and his hands touched his knees. He was full of sweat and his breath was quick.

"Here..." He held out a stick of ice cream to me.

"What's this?"

"Ice cream. It can make you happy." I accepted his ice cream and nodded.

"I'll get going now. See you tomorrow!" He tidied his shirt and walked away.

"Wait!" I held onto his sleeve slightly.

"Do you wanna come inside?"

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