Chapter 40

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Tobias POV

We finally made it to Abnegation, Uriah and I are walking up and down the small plain, neighborhoods looking for anything suspicious. I start to get nervous because as the sound of our heavy footsteps against the gravel echoes, it worries me that I may never see Tris again. The thoughts scream at me making my stomach churn. But not only that, my past still haunts me, and walking down these streets makes it all come back to life, right now, I'm standing right in the middle of it.

"Hey I think I see something!" Uriah cheers breaking the silence, he points to an old mailbox with paint chipping off the sides. His enthusiasm completely hides the worry and grief he's feeling right now. How is he able to hide it so well?

I look over and see that the mailbox missing some numbers. Perfect. This must be where they are. Or can it? I start to wonder why exactly Peter would bring them to abnegation in the first place. You'd think he'd be smarter then that. Maybe they aren't here after all and I'm just wasting my time. No. They have to be here. They just have to be, I feel a slight chance of hope in my gut that they're here. I can't give up. There has to be a reason for all this, but that's not my concern, right now, I can figure that out later. Getting Tris back is all I can think about, it's even been in my dreams. I've been unable to sleep just thinking about the torture Tris is going through, and it's hard to process.

I examine the door carefully not wanting to attract attention to any abnegation that might still be awake at this hour. But, I realize something that makes my hope fade faster then a puff of smoke in the air. The door is unlocked. There's no way Peter hid them in here, this is too easy. Or maybe he did? Is it really worth taking a chance to see if they're in here? Yes, it has to be. Tris needs me and I can't waste anymore time asking myself questions. I open the door and Uriah follows. I look around the dark room and see nothing at first.

"Well hello there." An unfamiliar voice says. It startles me and I turn my head in the direction of the voice. Suddenly a dim light flickers on revealing....Molly. Is she really working for Peter?

"Yeah...I am." She says crossing her arms.

"What?" I say really confused.

"Dude you thought out-loud again." Uriah says patting my shoulder. Dang it.

"Alright no more stalling where are they?" I say holding up a gun.

"Whoa where'd you get that!" Uriah says fascinated. I turn and glare at Uriah.

"Sorry.." He mumbles. I turn back to Molly.

"Who?" She says smirking.

"Don't play dumb with me." I say rolling my eyes. Suddenly I hear a voice that makes me completely disgusted. Peter.

"MOLLY I COULD USE SOME HELP DOWN HERE!" He sounds like he's struggling. Tris must be fighting back. Molly's eyes widen and she turns to run but I shoot her in the leg causing her to fall to the ground screaming. Uriah runs to the door at which Peter shouted from and also the direction Molly was heading in. It's a basement. I look around to see if any more of their "people" wanna play dumb with me, then I run down the stairwell after Uriah.

When I get there I see Peter punching the Marlene and Tris who are handcuffed to their bedposts. However Tris is doing her best to fight back. That's my girl. Tris and Marlene look awful, they have bruises all over them, black eyes, messed up hair, and it looks like they haven't slept it ages. I feel sick to my stomach, Uriah's face goes to all pure anger and he charges at Peter causing Peter to topple over. Uriah punches him in the face three times and starts kicking him in the ribs. Tris runs at me jumping into my arms. I almost lose my balance but I catch her and let her cry into my shoulder. Uriah eventually knocks out Peter and Marlene runs to him like Tris did to me. Tris is crying uncontrollably, I try to calm her down by saying

"Shh, it's all over now don't worry." She calms down a little but I still hear her sniffle a little. She hides her face in my shirt and I draw circles on her back with my hand calming her as much as I could. I decide to carry her back to dauntless, she probably can't walk anyways considering what Peter has done to her.

Uriah carries a clearly exhausted Marlene in front of me, I follow them to the train carrying Tris in my arms. As we wait I look up to the stars in the sky. I think of how lost I was without Tris,
I feel really lucky to have her, she completes me. I breathe in her scent and I hear her say,

"I love you." In a soft scratchy voice. I smile and kiss the top of her head as sleep takes over her.

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