Chapter 27

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Tris POV

I open my eyes to see lights way brighter then my eyes can take, beaming down on me. All I can hear is the beeping of hospital machines and soft sobbing to my right. I squint as I look to the right and see Tobias sitting in a chair, with his head down, holding my hand to his forehead, sobbing something.

"Tris, they're going to take you off life support. Pull the plug.... I-I-I can't do this w-w-without.... Y-you." He was completely sobbing and I could barely make out what he had just said. However... I did hear something about taking me of life support? Pull the plug? What plug?!? I try to speak but it's like my throat can't come up with words. I struggle to find my voice, but all that comes out are groans and weird high pitched squeaky noises. I continue to struggle but I don't care. I need my Tobias back.

"W-W-Why would they d-do that?" I say. Tobias perks up, his eyes widen. They were so wide they could've fallen out of his head. He's speechless and it's been three minutes so I just raise an eyebrow and he snaps out of it.

"TRIS!" He screams and runs to me. He hugs me gently making sure he doesn't hurt me. I feel tears stinging my eyes as I breathe in his scent that I've missed so much.

"Tobias.... W-what's happening?" I say soft and my voice still a bit croaky here and there. He pulls away slowly and I see his face wet with new tears.

"Tris... Y-you almost died, you've been asleep for almost a week a-a-and a half. The doctors said you had no chance of surviving so they were going to take you of life support in an hour if you don't wake up." Then it's silent, and he smiles weakly as a tear falls down his cheek.

"Oh... Well..... Um... I'm awake aren't I?" I say trying to cheer him up a bit. For a split second, I think see a smile make its way on his face.

"You are." He grins and leans in to hug me again. I wrap my arms around his neck and breathe into his shirt. And I feel more safe then I've ever felt. I feel like the world can't hurt me anymore when I'm with Tobias. After a while he pulls back and says,

"I gotta go get the doctor, and let them know you're awake." He motions for me to stay here and I nod. He's back a few minutes later with the doctor and my sobbing friends. Christina looks up and sees me. Wow, she looks bad considering she's Christina. You'd think she'd never let herself look the way she does right now. She has huge bags under her eyes and her face is all red and blotchy. Her face immediately lights up and she runs at me faster then I thought she could run. She hugs me and cries into my shoulder for a little bit. Happy tears though. Then everyone gathers around and were in a group hug.

"Ok Beatrice since your awake, you can go whenever." The doctor says.

"T-That's it? I-I can just go?" I ask.

"Yup." He says popping the P.

I honestly don't understand anything right now. Nothing's being explained to me properly. I start to feel a migraine begin in my head.

"Um.. Can you at least tell me what happened before I go?" I ask.

He turns and groans.

"Your body just kinda was shutting down." He scratches the back of his neck.

"And so we had to put you on life support to keep you alive. We also had to run many tests to figure out what was wrong. That, however, was difficult because this guy would never leave the room." He says pointing to Tobias. I smile real big, and he winks at me.

"Basically something was put into a serum that had a major effect on your body. But you look fine now... So..... Bye." He says turning around and leaving. I still am very confused but... That's the past now. I'm ready to continue my life from where it left off. Even if it means not knowing whatever happened to me. I look at everyone, and they've all seemed to be happy. I notice Zeke and Shaunna looking at the ground on complete opposite sides. I shake it off because ill deal with it later.

"LETS GO HOME AND CONTINUE THE GAME!" Uriah chants throwing his fist in the air. Everyone turns to him and glares. Except me, I perk up and smile.

"Actually that's not a bad idea." I say, everyone turns to me and looks at me shocked. So I shrug and try to get up but I lose my balance. Guess that's what happens when you haven't walked in a week in a half. Tobias runs over to me quickly and helps me up. Then he picks me up bridal style. I smile and plant a kiss on his cheek. We all head back to dauntless slowly beginning to smile again.

Long chapter, but I hope you enjoyed. Love you guys😚

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