Chapter 3: Welcome To My Life

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Every dream in my head It's like a mountain that I just keep climbin' And when I get to the edge I turn around and put that dream behind me And it never feels the way I want But I keep on tryin' I just keep on tryin' Have you been there? Have you seen it all? Have you done this once before? Did they tell you you'll love this life and all these lights? Now you're lying on the floor And they know what doesn't kill you makes you want it more And this is your life Your life, your life
     - Chris Brown

The next day (Saturday October 3rd)
Ashanti pov
New York

Me, Chris and momma J got out the Uber and paparazzi stormed us. Damn Chris isn't even in the NBA yet and he already famous. He grabbed my hand and his mom's and pulled us threw the crowd and inside the hotel.

"Damn baby." I said quitely and he smiled.

"I'm finna be a NBA player get use to this baby." He said and I smiled and momma J walked up to the reseptionest and check in as we stood behind her.

"Christopher Brown, the next NBA star. I'm Leroy Robinson, I'm a sports manager." He said and put his hand out and Chris shook it.

"Nice to me you." Chris said.

"You've been the talk of the basketball world and allot of teams are fighting for you and you need a guy that can take you to the top. How long are you in town?" He asked him handing Chris a card.

"Only the weekend." Chris replied.

"Well after you get drafted call me." He said, I know a star when I see one. He said and walked away.

"Oh my god baby, this shit is dope." He said and I smiled.

"Your finna be a NBA player get use to it baby." I said mocking him for early.


We got up to our rooms and I sat on the bed.

"This is nice." I said and looked around.

"Yeah I'm tired as hell." Chris said laying on the bed.

"Well to bad you can't go to sleep, the thing starts in 5 hours and you take the longest getting ready." I said and climbed on top of him.

"Coming from the girl that has to do make up." He said and I smiled.

"Shut up." I said and I leaned down and kissed him and he sat up and placed his hands on my ass and started to kiss my neck. "Chris we go be late." I said gently pushing him back.

"So let them wait." He said and kept kissing me and I was going to say something but he smaked my ass and I gasped and he started to unblucked my pants as he kissed my lips. He took them off along with my underwear leaving me in my shirt. I took his off and he smriked as I stated to unblucke his pants.

When he got me fully undress he slipped off him pants and brifes. I placed myself on top of CJ slowly slid down on him.

"Awe fuck baby." I moaned as I when until it felt like I couldn't take no more. I started to tease him and clenched my walls around him.

"Stop playing Ashanti take all this shit." He said and slammed himself in me and I bit me lip. "Ride me." He said and slapped my ass and I started to kiss him as I bounced on him. He kissed down to my neck and then down to suck on my nipples as I rode him.

Chris stop sucking on my boob and looked at me as I rode him and he looked down at the view then back up at me as I moaned and he hit my spot. He grabbed my hand forcefully and placed it on my clit. He slid my finger threw my lips and then let my hand go as I stated to please myself. It was amazing it was double the pleasure, I guess Chris like it too because he was looking at my fingers and bitting his lip as my fluids splashed on his lower stomach.

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