Chapter 9: Nobodies Business

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You'll always be the one that I wanna come home to, girl Let me love you and show you how special you are
I wanna be your baby You'll always be my baby Tell me what you want
Sing it to the world Baby, give me time
You gon' be my girl I wanna make you mine And it ain't nobody's business
It ain't nobody business It ain't nobody business It ain't nobody business Just mine and my baby
     -Chris Brown

2 weeks later (Monday November 3rd)
Ashanti pov

"I'm feel like shit right now." I said to Erica as I sat on the bench and watched Chris get a little practice for the first game on Wednesday and thank god it is a home game.

"TT no cussing." Ari said to me and I smiled at her.

"TT sorry she's not feeling good." I said.

"What's wrong?" Erica said.

"I don't even know my appointment is tomorrow." I said and sighed.

I've been feeling like this for 2 long and I know something is wrong because I miss my cycle this month and I'm even more scared of that. Me and Chris aren't ready for kids and we haven't even talked about it. But let's think positive maybe my cycle didn't come because of this cold I that even possible.

I haven't talk to Jay but he's been trying to talk to me for so long, I just hope I didn't lead him on because that was not my intention.

"Shanti!" Chris yelled and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I asked him.

"You good?" He asked me and I smiled and nodded. "Well I'm finna go hit the showers I'll see you at home." He said.

"I'm finna go to my mom's house first." I said and he nodded.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too baby." I said.

"By uncle Chris." Ari said waving her hand up at him and he picked her up and threw her in the air.

"Bye muchkin." Chris said and I smiled and Gabby did too.


"Hello my family." I said walking into the living room to see the normal people that be here my brother and Tina. Me and her still have a problem, she keep taking shots at my boyfriend.

"Hey baby." My mom said trying hug me.

"Wait I might be sick so don't get 2 close." I said and sat on the couch next to my mom and Tina just stared at me

"So how's you and Chris?" She asked me and I looked at her and fake smiled.

"Good." I said and she fake smiled back.

"Why do I feel like it's something going on?" My mom said.

"It nothing that relevant to me." I said.

"Oh so it doesn't matter that your boyfriend is abusive!?" She yelled.

"Wait what!?" My mom asked me.

"That nigga hitting you!?" Cario yelled.

"No he isn't, Tina just doesn't know how to mind her damn business!" I yelled.

"Yes I do you need to stop protecting his ass!" She yelled.

"No stay the hell out my business and we won't have a fucking problem, Chris is not abusive and I'm not finna argue with you about it, I know what the fuck goes on in my house and what don't!" I yelled. "Cario keep yo bitch out of my business for the last Fucking time!" I yelled grabbing my purse leaving all them in shook and with that I left.


When I got home Chris was sitting on the couch and I took off my shoes.

"Wassup baby." He said and I slightly smiled and walked upstairs and a few seconds he came up there. "What's wrong?" He asked me.

"Tina, she needs to mind her Fucking business." I said and getting mad all over again.

"Don't let her get to you baby." He said and I smiled and hugged him.

"Thanks Chris." I said and my phone vibrated in my pocket and I took it out and look at it and my mouth drop and Chris snatched it away from me and looked at it then back at me.

"Why the fuck this nigga sending you a picture of his dick and what the fuck did you send him?" Chris said clenching his jaw and looking at me.

"I did send him anything, I haven't talk to him ever since you told me the chose Chris, I promise." I said back.

"Shanti don't lie to me." He said looking me in my eyes stepping closer.

"Im-" Before I could finish I felt what I had my breakfast come back up and I ran to the the and straight to the tolit and let everything out.

"Baby you straight?" Chris asked me holding my hair back and rubbing my back.

"What the fuck kind-" I started and got cut off again.

Once I was done I brushed my teeth and as I did Chris sat on the counter and watched me.

"Why the fuck you just popping off on me about stupid shit man?" Chris asked me and I just started crying.

"I'm sorry." I said and he sighed and hugged me. "I don't know what wrong everything is just so overwhelming and I guess I'm taking it out on you and I'm sorry." I said and he whipped my tears.

He kissed my lips and then softly placed kisses on my neck to try to calm me down and I let him.

He hopped down from the counter and sat me up there and continued doing what he was doing.

His hands Wonder down to my joggers and I felt one hand slip in and the other held my waist and I took off his shirt.

His thumb slid threw my lips and I maoned a little bit. He started making circles on my clit and I moaned in his ear. He stopped kissing me and looked at me as he pleased me.

"Fuck baby." I moaned softly forgetting that we're in a huge house and not an apartment where people complain.

"Your so beautiful shanti." He wispered to me as he hit my stop.

"Oh fuck Chrisssssssss." I screamed and cam and he smirked and pushed me back so my head was against the mirror and he grabbed my legs and put them on his shoulders and then lifted me and put me against the wall so that I was on his shoulders as he was face to face with my treasure.

His tongue flicked over my clit and few times then he sped out the pace.

"Omg." I moaned surprised on how good this felt, Chris surprises me all the time.

"You like that baby?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Yeah daddy." I said and bit my lip and threw my head back and my eyes rolled in the back of my head and I started to play in his curly hair.

He placed his lips on the sides of my clit and started to suck on it and I started to move around and he held my legs down. He looked up at me as he saw me on my peek. As he held my clit between his lips his tounge flick over it as I felt myself cum. My legs started to shake and he moved back as I my fluids leaked out and I maoned.

He took me off the wall and since me legs was still in a shook I held on to him.

"My fault baby." He said and chuckled and picked me up and walked me over to the bed and laid me down and took off his pants as I finished undressing myself...y'all all ready know what happened after that🤗😋😉😆

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