Chapter 18

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1 week later (December 18th)
Ashanti pov

Ever since me and Chris's fight it's been different between us. I have marks on my wrist still from when he grabbed me. He needs to get his temper in check before my baby gets here. Speaking of which I'm almost 5 months and the gender reveal party is on the 27th of this month and I can't wait. I just hope me and Chris can get are relationship back on track Before we bring a human in this world.

"Baby girl what's wrong, you've just been starting out in space." My mom asked me as we sat at her island drinking tea.

"Nothing I'm fine you excited about the revel party?" I asked changing the subject and she chuckled.

"Girl you my child I know when something is up with you, and I know it have something to do with Chris, talk to me Shanti." She said and I looked up at her.

"Ever since last week are relationship haven't been the best. We fought because the guy that I use to be cool with kept harassing me and he got mad because he thought I was talking to him again and I called him bipolar." I said sighing.

"Woah that's a low blow, you sorta in the same boat and let me guess is this how this happened?" She asked me and grabbed my hands and rolled up my sleeves to see the marks, damn I hate being light skinned.

"Mom it's not what you think." I said.

"It's just like what Tina was talking about, he's probably not really trying to hit you or he's not even hitting you put that doesn't give him the right to grab you like this." She said and I sighed.

"Mom but he's been going threw so much, Joyce is back with Clinton and is pushing Chris away, he has a baby on the way, and not to mention how crazy his career is." I said.

"Shanti that still doesn't give him the right to take his anger out on you or grab you or whatever. I've always raised you to not let some man run over you no matter how much you love them. I love Chris too but I love my own flesh and blood more, now if you need me to go get my gun I will." She said and I laughed.

"No mommy I'm fine, we're going to get threw this and I promise that I won't let him run over me." I said and she smiled and kissed my forehead.


"Baby can we talk?" I asked Chris walking in the threater as he watched Dragon Ball Z.

"Yeah." He said and I walked over and sat in the chair next to him. "Wassup." He asked me.

"Look I know that I hit low last week when I called you bipolar-" I started and he cut me off.

"And I'm sorry you didn't deserve that." He said. "I'm sorry for taking my anger and stress out on you which is not good for you or the baby and no wonder why you still talk to that nigga." He said and I sighed.

"Chris I'm not talking to him, I've been ignoring him, and that's why he so mad." I said and he looked at me.

"But I'm sorry baby I'mma get better before my daughter gets here." He said and kissed my lips and I laughed.

"You mean son but whatever." I said and stood up. "Now get yo ass up and come fuck me." I said and he smriked and pulled my arm gently and sat me on his lap.

"I'm loving these hormones and if we having a baby in a few months we should fuck where ever we want because when my daughter get here we can't be doing that." He said smriking.

"Omg you mean son and if that's the case what the hell you waiting on fuck me." I said and he kissed my lips and we started up.


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