Chapter 23

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The next day (January 6th)

Me and Chris sat in the waiting room and all I could do was silently cry as I waited, this is horrible. Chris haven't said much and I could tell he was hurt and he likes to cover that up with anger so nobody sees his soft side.

"Ashanti Gonzalez." My doctor came out and said and it was different because normally the nurse comes get me. Me and Chris stood up and walked over and she gave us a bright smile and then we followed her but not to a room but to an office.

"Before we take you in to surgery it's something you should know." She said closing the door and we sat in the w seats and she sat behind her desk and I whipped my tears as Chris just stared at her. "Well are nurses are new, fresh out of college and don't have any hands on experience so with that being said. Your son is still with us." She said smiling and my hand covered my mouth as chris arms wrapped around me.

"Oh my God are you serious?" I asked her still in disbelief.

"Yes, Ashanti and Chris congratulations your parents again." She said and Chris kissed my lips over and over as I smiled. "He do have some light bruising but nothing major that won't heel, besides the fact that you have to have a C-section due to your scared tissue, and sorry to say but that's going to take years, or depending on how you want to do it and the money, we can remove all of it after you have had the baby but it's not cheap." She said and I just smiled. "But I can see that's not on your brain right now so haw about you guy go out and celebrate." She said and all I could do is smile. My baby isn't gone he's been here the whole time.


"Baby I'm so glad to see you smiling." Chris said to me as we drove to my mom's house.

"I'm glad to." I said and he smiled. "I'm sorry for taking my anger out on you." I said and he looked at me and chuckled.

"It's good baby." He said and took off.

"So can I see this baby room now?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I just didn't want you to see it because of this whole situation." He said and parked in my mothers drive way. We climbed out and she grabbed my hand and we walked up to the door and I unlocked her door and she sat on her couch and watch TV.

"Hey baby, I'm seeing you got better." She said and getting up and walked over to me. "Besides wearing that scarf." She said and I chuckled and she hugged me then chris.

"We got some news." I said and she pulled out the hug with Chris and looked at me.

"What is it?" She asked me.

"He's still here, the test was wrong." I said smiling from ear to ear and she smiled and pulled me into a tighter hug.

"But she has to have a C-section because of scared tissue in that area." Chris said.

"Dios mío, niña, estoy tan feliz por ti."
(oh my god baby girl i'm so happy for you) she said and hugged me again.


After me and Chris delivered the news to the rest of are friends and family we headed home.

We walked in and I smiled and locked the door and ran upstairs and straight down the hall way and opened my son's door and looked around.

We walked in and I smiled and locked the door and ran upstairs and straight down the hall way and opened my son's door and looked around

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Chris came up behind me and hugged me and I smiled.

"Awe Chris this is beutiful." I said and he smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Anything for you baby." He said and I unwrapped his arms around me and walked in the room more and looked in all the drawers and everything.

"Awe you even did more shopping." I said and he smiled.

"Naw actually yo mom did." He said and I laughed and he smiled.

"I still can't believe my baby is here." I said and he smiled.

"Well not here yet but in a matter of months." He said and kissed my cheek and his phone rung and he reached in his pocket and looked at it and answered it.

"Hello." He said. "This is he." He added on as I looked around more. "Ok thanks I'll deliver the news." He said and hung up and I looked at him.

"What happened?" I asked him as he smiled.

"They caught Jay." He said and I smiled.

"I sorta wish I caught him so I could beat the shit out of him then cut the nigga head off but he's in prison so I guess it's a win." I said and Chris smriked.

"I don't know why but that was a huge turn on." He said and I laughed.

"Your a perv." I said and walked out the room to our room.

"That why you love me so shut." He said following me and we walked into  our bathroom.

"So what, and who said you could get in the shower with me?" I asked him smiling and and took off his shirt.

"Yo daddy, now strip." He said and walked over and started to unbluckle my pants and I smiled and started to do what he said.

Waves (Chris Brown And Karin Jinsui)(Sequel To Is This Love)Where stories live. Discover now