Chapter 10: Scared

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She wanna see what it's like to live the nightlife Yeah, she thinkin' everything is alright Baby, you don't wanna be left in the streets If you're scared of your own heartbeat Na, na, now you scared Yeah yeah, why you scared? Now I'm goddamn scared Oh no, yeah, yeah (Scared of your own heartbeat)
-Chris Brown

The next day (Tuesday November 4th)
Ashanti pov

"You scared." Chris asked me as we sat in the waiting room.

"Yeah." I said looking down.

"Why?" He asked me and I sighed.

"I miss my cycle." I said and he looked at me.

"So what that mean?" He asked me. "You pregnant?" He asked me.

"No...I don't know." I said. "I'm sorry I should of told you." I said and he just sat there not saying anything. "Chris say something." I said holding my tears. "Im sorry." I said and he just sat there. I sighed and sat back, I sorta wish I didn't say anything and I hope I'm not pregnant.


I sat on the bed and the room was just silent. Chris hasn't said anything since I told him and it's killing me.

"Chris can you say something?" I said

"What the fuck do you want me to say, you might be pregnant yay." He said sarcastically.

"Chris but your acting like I did it on purpose or that it's my fault." I said and the tears started coming.

"I know it's not but damn why didn't you tell me so I could prepare." He said.

"Chris because I'm not prepared, I'm still denying it...and maybe I'm not but I don't know." I said and whipped my tears and he sighed and someone knocked at the doors and the doctor stepped in.

"Ok so we have your results and no your not pregnant." She said and chuckled as she typed on the computer and I grabbed my chest in relief and Chris stood up and came over to me and hugged me. "But we do have a new prescription for your bipolar disorder it looks like you haven't took your pills since you were 11 correct?" She asked me and Chris looked at me and I knew he was confused and mad.

I've never told anyone that I'm bipolar only me and my mom and brother know. I learned how to control them I don't why why I can't.

"And there really out of place right now because of the stress. Your stress is making your body shut down and if you don't take care of yourself you could end up in the hospital." She said and I nodded.


"You mad?" I asked Chris walking in our room as he laid on the bed and I laid on his chest.

"Naw baby." He said and I looked up at him.

"You sure?" I asked him and he sat up which mad me sit up and look at him face to face.

"I'm just want you to get better." He said. "I no it's hard to open up about this shit and I know you feel like you carzy, but your not, like you told me your human." He said and I smiled and he kissed my forehead. "Now come here so we can go watch a movie in the threater and cuddle and you play in my hair until I fall asleep." He said and stood up and I smiled.

"I'll meet you down there." I told him and he got up and walked down stairs. I walked in our bathroom and into the medicine cabinet and grabbed my pills and opened the bottle and walked over to the tolit and 'accidentally' dropped them in there and flushed them down.

I understand what Chris and my doctor is saying but I'm not crazy.


"So you neverous about your game tomorrow?" I asked Chris as I laid on him as we watched sausage party.

"Hell yeah, on the outside I'm cool about it but in the inside I'm scared as hell." He said and chuckled.

"It's ok baby you'll do fine." I said and he kissed my cheek and looked back at the movie and I did too but one thing was on my mind.

If I was pregnant what would chris say. It's seem like he was happy that I wasn't pregnant, don't get me wrong I was too but I also would have been happy if I was, but Chris seem like he didn't want that. We've never talk about kids but I wouldn't mind having one. But Chris, what if he's leaves or tell me to abort it. My heart is telling me he wouldn't do that but my mind is telling me different.

"Baby." Chris said catching my attention. "What's on your mind?" He asked me.

"Nothing." I said looking at the screen.

"Stop lieing talk to me." He said and sat me up on his lap.

"It's nothing chris." I said and laid on his chest.

"Baby I can tell something is on your mind so tell ya papi." He said and I playing rolled my eyes.

"Nothing I promise." I said and he smiled and kissed my neck. "Chris stop your going to start something." I said and he looked at me.

"Like you don't wanna finish something." He said smriking and I smiled.

"Maybe I do." I said and smiled and then grabbed the bottom of my shirt and lifted it over my head and then kissed my neck down to my bra. The unhooked it and threw it somewhere and I pulled his face up to mine and forcefully pushed our lips together and he pulled back and smiled at me and his mouth wrapped around my nipple percing and his tounge flick over it as I felt myself getting wetter by the seconds.

"Chris stop playing just get in me?" I whined and he pulled back and smriked.

"Relax baby you'll feel CJ eventually." He said and I smriked and he looked down and unbuckled my pants.

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