Chapter 22: Don't Be Gone to Long

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I dug a single seed into the ground, I hope it grows, grows In a year or two if you're around, you'll see a rose, rose Pack me up and keep me hidden somewhere, that you can find me
On a train to Paris going nowhere, draw the bridge behind me Don't be gone too long, too long Cause you won't be there to love me when you're gone Don't be gone too long, too long
Tell me who's gonna love me when you're gone? When you're, when you're gone When you're gone
      -Chris Brown

1 week later (January 5th)
Ashanti pov

It's been a week since my baby has been gone and I just can't. It hurts so Fucking bad and it just a horrible feeling all around. Chris was went back to his normal life but as much as I want too I can't. My mom has came and helped allot I just can't do it. My surgery is scheduled for tomorrow to get him out of me and I just can't do it. And the fact that Jason hasn't been caught is even worst.

"Hey baby." Chris said walking in the room from downstairs as I laid in bed.

"Hi." I said and cleared my throat and sat up and he came and sat by me as and looked at me. I know he wanted to say I looked horrible. My hair was everywhere, my eyes were red and shit.

"Baby it's gonna be ok, were gonna get threw it." He said. "We can make another baby right now." He said and I chuckled. "Awe see I got you to smile." He said and kissed my lips.

"Yeah but it still won't be our first." I said and he looked at me.

"You know that our baby is in heaven probably waiting for us to bring him back into this world baby, and if it's not him, he'll be up there with the angels." He said and my eyes started to water.

"But I want him here with me." I said and he pulled me into a hug and I cried like I've been doing for the passed week as he rubbed my back.


I sat by my mom as we watched Chris run down the court. I couldn't let Chris down and not come to his home game but I honestly don't want to be here. I look retarded wearing a fucking scarf in California inside of a hot ass stadium but I didn't want people to look at Chris weird back of the marks on my neck or why I looked like I've been crying for days so I wore so dark sunglasses.

The thought of my son kept crossing my mind as I watched the game and a tear rolled down my face and I looked down at my hand as it fell and it my hand and my mom reached over and grabbed my hand and I laid my head on her shoulder.

"I don't want to be here." I wispered to her and whipped my tears and she kissed my forehead.

"It will get better I promise." She said.

Chris pov

I sat with the rest of my team and looked at Shanti and her head was on my mom shoulder and even though she was trying to hid her tears I knew she was hurt. It's hurts me too, my first child is gone because of this nigga and them not catching him is making shit worse on her because she constantly looking over here shoulder and shit we're scarfs and sunglasses to hid her pain and I don't want to see my girl like this man. It's hard to stay strong for her.


As me, Shanti and her mom walked threw the big crowd of fans and paprazzi who was shouting out questions and shit about the baby and everything and it's really getting on my damn nerves. All these questions were being shout out but only one stood out.

"Chris don't you think it's a good thing the baby is gone, I mean your career just took off and Ashanti is a college student!?" The girl yelled and before I knew it Ashanti lunged at her trying to attack her but I grabbed her as the reported had a terrified look on her face.

"Bitch don't ever speak on my fucking child name, don't let me catch yo ass on the street!" Shanti said and I pushed her in the truck and climbed in and her mom followed and the driver took off.

"Baby you can't be attacking people like that." I said trying to calm her down as she sat in the very back of the truck and me and mom sat in the first row.

"That bitch shouldn't be asking if we're happy about our baby being gone!" She said and her eyes started to water.

"I know but that's what they go do-" I started.

"I don't give a fuck Chris, the bitch was asking for an ass whoppen!" She yelled and I sighed and looked out the window as she did the same.

"Chris give her times she hurting." Laila said softly to me and I looked at her.

"Me too." I said and she sighed and I went back to looking out the window.


We got home after dropping Laila off and Ashanti started to go upstairs to that damn room.

"Baby come here let's talk." I told her and grabbed her arm gently and picked her up and took her over to the couch and sat down and she straddel me. "I know your hurt and believe it or not I am too. He was my son as much as he was yours and the shit hurts to know that's he not with us." I said and I felt tears coming down my face. "But you, we can't be taking are hurt out on eachother, we need to be together as one at the moment of our lives." I told her and a tear fell down her cheek.

"I know Chris, and I'm sorry. It just hurts so Fucking bad." She said whipping her tear and avoiding eye contact with me. "Something I loved so fucking bad is gone and not coming back. I know that he's your son too but it hurts even more because I was carrying him I was the one that was supposed to protect him and care and love him and I let him down." She said and at this point years were just falling down her face and I whipped them and pulled her into a hug.

"Don't blame yourself blame that nigga." I said and rubbed her back as she cried."

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