28: Rescue

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Meanwhile Yoongi...

Yoongi and NamJoon is in the car stalking Jungkook's phone GPS. Jin stay at home and take care of Dok Hyun and Jimin and JHope went to save Taehyung.

JHope drive his car towards Yeolwon centre as they reach within 15 minutes later. JHope got out from the car and Jimin got out of the car too as JHope lock his car and went into the science centre as their employees. They print their fake identity card on it and wear it above them.

They successfully got into the building as they went to the second floor and start searching for Taehyung

They went to each room as they came across the room when they see one person collapse and some ropes on the floor. They decided to tie the unconscious person on the chair and close the door.

They went around knowing that Tae had escape. Just as they about to go into the information room when they heard footstep.

"Yah! Don't you say you got Kim Taehyung? Where is he? How dare you lose him!" There's a person slightly older.

"We got him but he trick us, since you tell us to treat him nicely. Now one of us has went to search for him" the person said as he bow down.

Just then Jimin and JHope took the opportunity to sneak into the room as he sees the person inside searching for Taehyung too. JHope and Jimin knock the person down as JHope drag him into another small room and put him in as he close the door.

Jimin search for Taehyung as he called out his name softly. Taehyung heard it is Jimin. Slowly, he climb out of the closet gently.

He run to Jimin and hug him tight while Jimin hugging back and JHope wipe away Tae's tears. The three went out of the room slowly as JHope took the lead.

Taehyung is in the middle of them as Jimin is the last one. They walk towards the staircase door when one of the men sees them. "Yah! Kim Taehyung over here!!" He shouted as he press the red button, causing a siren and the three could hear rushing foot step.

Taehyung heart beating faster as this is the first time he encounter this. He tug in JHope sleeves as Jimin hold Tae's hands tightly.

JHope hold Taehyung's hands and look at Jimin. "Run!" He shouted as he ran with the two to the staircase and start climbing down to the basement where they park their car at.

There have lots of guard. They was stop by an uncle that they see just now. "Hand me taehyung and I will let y'all go" he said coldly as he went towards the three

The three were getting surrounded by the guards and Taehyung hold Jimin and JHope's arm tightly as JHope and Jimin use their arm to defence taehyung.

"Who are you? Why should we hand him to you?!" Jimin shouted

"I'm his uncle, taehyung-ah do you remember me?" He said

"U-Uncle?" Tae stutter out.

"Yes I am your uncle, sorry taehyung-ah I was busy for your company. That's why I didn't fetch you back to our house. How have you been? Now I'm retired I need you to run the company and I will help you don't worry, we have been finding you for about 10 years. Please come here" he said as he walking closer towards them.

"N-No uncle you are the one! You are the one who kills my parent right? I saw you in the black van" Tae shouted as he cried memory return back.

"No, not me" his uncle said as he make eyes signal to the guards. The guards move more closer as Jimin and JHope and Taehyung were moving closer each other.

"Taehyung, just come to us please" Uncle Kim said. As taehyung shook his head. His uncle had felt his rage gone out as he made a hand signal and the guards came and catch Jimin and JHope.

"Come or you want your friends to hurt?" He said strictly.

Taehyung start to panick as he tried to free Jimin and JHope as the guards push him away.

"Just run Tae! Don't care about us!" JHope shout as Jimin nodded.

"But I didn't want to leave you guys!" Tae shout as tears rolls down.

Uncle Kim start counting down to 3.

Once the countdown finish. The guards start to hit Jimin and JHope as Taehyung look at his uncle with his fist clenching.

"Let them go! I will come with you guys!" Tae shout in anger as the uncle make another hand signal making the guards to stop and Jimin and JHope looking at Tae. "No! Don't Tae!" Jimin shout weakly as they tried to got up from the floor. 

The uncle clap his hands as he walk towards the trembling taehyung. "You should have said it earlier my dear nephew. And your friend would not got hurt, now lets go" the uncle said as he put his arm around Taehyung's shoulder.

"Don't touch me" taehyung said coldly as he shook his uncle hands away from his shoulder. "Let me talk to my friends I promise I will not run away" Tae said coldly as he just walk away.

Jimin and JHope sat up from the floor with tears flowed down their eyes. "I will try to escape, please wait for me and help me tell Jungkook that I love him and I will never leave him, tell him to wait for me. If he dare to forget me, he's gonna get it from me when I'm back" Tae said as he hold both of their hands. And left with his uncle.

Jimin and JHope cry as they went back to their car. "Go let's follow Taehyung so that we could find him anytime we want" JHope said as he start the engine and follow the black van.

Whereas taehyung just sit alone at the back, he didn't want anyone to seat with him and his uncle couldn't do anything to him as he is the real heir of kim's company. Tae fish out his phone as he message Jimin.

Tae❤: Jimin. Help me pass a message.

Jiminnie🍡: Tae! What message?

Tae❤: tell Dok Hyun to stay with Jungkook and tell him that TaeTae Hyung loves him, and will always be there with him. Help me tell Jin, NamJoon, Yoongi, JHope Hyung that I'm lucky to have them as my Brothers. TaeTae is happy to meet them and that I love them as my brother. Help me tell Jungkook about what I said earlier. Lastly Jimin, I love you my best buddy! Thanks for being by my side for 16 years. And that's tell everyone that TaeTae will be back soon tell them to wait for me and don't forget me.

Jiminnie🍡: I will.. Tae.. I love you my buddy and don't forget about us too! If you did you gonna get a surprise from me and others I telling you.

Tae❤: hehe alright byee Jiminnie I got to go we reach.

Jiminnie🍡: okay bye TaeTae see you soon!

Jimin and JHope cried a little as they read what Tae send to them. Jimin quickly copy down the address down and went back to Jin's house to treat their injuries.

Meanwhile Jungkook...

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