40: Happiness

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Jungkook drag Yoongi on his back as they runs to Taehyung's car.

Jhope opens the door as he put Jimin at the passenger seat. Jungkook lay Yoongi down on the backseat as he sit beside Yoongi. "Hyung drive towards the forest there and find my hospital gown. Tae is wearing it now"

Hoseok nod his head as he start the engine and drive the car away towards the forest.

Tae was running till he trip over a branch as he fell onto the ground. He scratch his hands a little. He hiss in pain as he twisted his ankle. He tries to stand up with the help of the tree trunks. He hop a little as he hide behind the tree trunks.

Jin Seok yelled as he use the knife to slash the tree trunks giving it a small cut on it. He does it to all the trees he see. Tae covers his mouth as he close his eyes laying on the ground.

Jungkook got down the car as he close the door. "Hyung, drive to the lake there me and Tae will meet there." he said as he runs into the forest.

Jungkook runs into the forest as he look around clueless. He walks the path as he look around. After a while realization hits him. He realize every tree has a small cut so he follows the tree till he saw a pair of leg was kicking the air.

He runs towards the person hoping its Taehyung. He saw Jin Seok was strangling Taehyung. Jungkook panick and look around till he saw a thick tree branch. He took it and hit Jin Seok head hard as Jin Seok fainted with blood flowing down his head.

Taehyung choke a bit as tears welled up in his eyes. "K-Kookie im scared that i cant see you again. Kookie" Taehyung cried on his shoulder as he hug Jungkook tightly.

Jungkook hug the older as he hum some soothing song in his ears trying to calm Taehyung down. He stoke his back gently as he wipe away Tae's tears. "Im here now yeah? Lets go before he woke up" Jungkook said as he give a small peck on Tae's forehead and held his arm as they both stand up.

Jungkook carries Taehyung on his back after he saw the swollen ankle of Taehyung's foot.

He runs to the lake and see Hoseok was honking the car. Jimin point behind of Jungkook. Tae look behind as he sees that Jin Seok is chasing them with the knife. Jungkook quicken his pace by running with all his strength as Yoongi Opens the door wide open and scoot to the other side of the seat as Jungkook reach the car.

Taehyung quickly got down and went into the car as he pulls Jungkook inside the car. Jin Seok was about to reach Jungkook's shirt when the car door was being close shut. Hoseok on instinct he quickly lock all the car door as everyone pant heavily.

"That was real close" Jimin said as he clutches his heart. "Thanks Hyung for pointing behind me" Jungkook said. As Hoseok drives them to the hospital to get them treated.


2 Years later

Everything went back to normal. Dok Hyun had pass the CEO seat to his Hyung HyunWoo. Tae and Jungkook is still managing their company. Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi opens a music class workshop. Namjoon and Jin opens a restaurant. JungWon is still in the jail.

As usual Jungkook asked Taehyung out for a date. This time is at the beach. Taehyung reach at the beach. As he walks along the beach. People start giving Taehyung a rose as they said "love you. You're amazing!" Taehyung was shook but thanks everyone as he collect the rose. Till he collect 100 roses.

"What is all this?" Tae laugh as he sees Jungkook. He saw the rose petal was spread across the sand into a heart shape. Inside the heartshape there is table with two chairs. Jin was cooking the food as he settled on the table.

Taehyung was happy as he give a peck on Jungkook's lips. As Jungkook give Taehyung a big bouquet of flower to Tae. "You're early as usual" he laugh a bit.

"Its a special day for us of course. You wanna guess?" Jungkook said smiling.

"Today is not Valentine Day right? So is it the first day of how we met?" Taehyung asked with a slight chuckle.

Jungkook peck his forehead as he gives his bunny smile "you're correct my baby~"

Tae chuckled as he settled all the roses on the table as Jungkook pulls out one chair for Taehyung to seat. Tae laugh as he sat on the chair.

Jungkook sat across Taehyung as they start eating what Jin cook. They chat, giggle while laughing. "As usual Jin Hyung cooking is nice" he laugh.

"Thats why Namjoon hyung is lucky to have Jin Hyung as his husband." Jungkook said laughing.

One years ago, Namjoon propose to Jin at a fancy pink restaurant. Jin was so touch that he accept it. Well now they are a happy married couple with 1 son and 1 daughter. JinSuk and Jisoo.

Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok got married as well a few months ago. Yoongi propose to Jimin and Hoseok in a gym. Jimin was shook and Hoseok was touch. They both accept Yoongi's proposal. Now they have 2 son and 1 daughter. Yoonmin, Yoonseok and Minji.

"Haha and we be together for more than 3 years?" Tae laugh a bit.

They continue their chat as they look at the sunset. After finish eating. Jin on some romance playlist.

Jungkook walks towards Taehyung as he kneel one leg down on the sand. Taehyung was shook he dont know what is Jungkook doing. Jungkook take one small box from Namjoon hyung as he look at Taehyung with big wide smile. He open the box and look up to Taehyung before he breathe in and breathe out.

"Kim Taehyung, would you marry me?" he said smiling as Taehyung look at Jungkook with tears fell. He covers his mouth in shock. He nod his head happily as Jungkook smiles and kisses Taehyung's lips passinately as Taehyung responded it.

Jungkook insert the ring into Tae's ring finger. "You're mine now. Im happy to have you. Kim Taehyung." Jungkook said smiing.

Jin and Namjoon claps hands as Jimin,Hoseok and Yoongi got up from under the table clapping hands. "Woohoo!! My lil bro is getting married!!!" Jimin shouted as he jumps a little.

They all chuckled.


A/N: sorry for the long hiatus and hope you guys love this chapter. O tried to be romance but idk if i fail or succeed hehe.

Clue for the next chapter: Marriage

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