Still hated

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Still Hated:

I had never been one of the pretty or popular girls in school. Actually, if you compared me to any of the other girls, I was considered ugly.

I stood in front of the mirror and admired my reflection. I use to have straight dark brown hair, glasses, braces, acne, all of that. After school started I had convinced my parents to let me have a make-over, and they finally agreed. Now, I was pretty, sexy even. I had wavy blonde hair, clear and tan skin, white-brace-free teeth, and bright green contacts in. I use to be chubby and short but now had an almost perfect hour-glass figure and was tall.

But even with my newfound beauty, I was still that ugly loser everyone knew. People treated me worse than before, fearing I would steal their boyfriends or something. They tripped me in the halls and threw food at me. I was living a hell seven hours of the day.

My parents finally decided to take me out of that school. Today was my first day at my new school in Vermont. This time things would be different. No one knew of my ugly past and I would make them think I was the most poplar person they had ever met. I would make it a privilege to talk to me.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me. I walked across the hall and into my large bedroom, sitting at my vanity to begin my beauty process.

I smeared powders, foundations, and blushes across my face, making my skin look flawless. I put a little eyeliner and eyeshadow on, making my green eyes look brighter, and some lips gloss. I put in my contacts and brushed my now dry hair. Perfect! No one could even call me ugly now.

The thing I hated about this school was the uniforms. At my old school we wore whatever we wanted, not anymore. I pulled on the pleated skirt and rolled it up, showing off my long, tan Barbie-doll legs. Then I pulled the white button shirt on my shoulders, leaving the first few left open to show off my cleavage, grabbed the navy blue blazer, and put on the strappy heels I bought.

I walked downstairs to where my father was waiting in the car.

"Hey pumpkin! Ready for school?" He asked, happy as ever.

That was what I loved about my dad nothing ever upset him. He was always happy and would do almost anything to make any one else happy.

"As ready as I will ever be." I said, sighing and sinking back into the leather seat.

He gave me a pitying look and patted me on my shoulder as he pulled out of the driveway.

"It will be great, Katt. You will blow everyone away!"

I looked out the window as the green trees and flowers flew by. Soon the large brick building came into view. I read the sign in front of the long, twisting road that led to the school, 'River View Academy.'

I could see people walking in the huge green field. Guys were playing football and girls were sitting under trees lounging around.

The car stopped and my dad leaned over, giving me a hug. "It will be great, I promise." He said.

"Thanks dad." I opened my door and stepped out of the car, almost hitting a boy as I did so.

His turned around with a scowl on his face. Once his eyes landed on me, his face softened and his mouth dropped. "Uhm, sorry." He stuttered as he held out his hand, "I'm Chris." I took his hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Katt." I said.

He continued to just stare. "Uhm, okay. Bye?" I said and began to walk away.

As I walked up the stone path, I noticed all the guys staring at me. What was up with this school? I stepped inside the large wooden doors and almost gasped.

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