Still hated- part 7

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I walked into school with Chris. He has picked me up that morning so I wouldn't have to come alone. He was finally off his suspension; Noah was still gone for two more days. Thank God. The last thing I needed was a huge fight going on at school.

I could tell Chris was nervous though. He had turned Bridgett down, which pretty much promised at least some yelling.

Chris turned me into our first period class. We had a few minutes before the final bell rang so kids were all around the room talking. When I walked in some guys whistled and just stared. I guess they hadn't gotten used to me yet. The girls groaned. One of them threw a paper ball at me, which hit me in the eye. I tried throwing it back but it hit the guy she was talking to.

"Hey, I have to go talk to Henry for a second. I'll be back in just a second." Chris said as he left to go talk to a tall guy with blonde hair. He looked like he stepped right out of an Abercrombie and Fitch ad.

"So, what are you doing back here? We thought you left." I turned and saw Jenny standing there. People had said that she was the prettiest and skinniest girl in the school before I came, and she hated me for "Taking her place." Pssh, whatever.

"I'm so sorry to disappoint you, but I'm back." I said. I was not in the mood to deal with anything, especially the girls telling me how horrible I am.

"I don't see it." She said, staring really closely at my face.

"See what?"

"Why any guy would want you. You're a bitch, you're not that pretty, and it looks like you're gaining a little weight. Uh-oh!" She said. She pointed down at my stomach, which was completely flat by the way.

"You probably can't see because your fat is covering up your eyes. Or is your jealousy is making you blind? Try eating some carrots instead of cupcakes, they are suppose to help you see better." People were starting to stare at us now.

"How about I stuff one of my cupcakes down your throat?" She yelled.

"It looks like you are already packing them in your stomach." The bell rang then and the teacher stepped into the classroom. Everyone took their seats, and I didn't pay any more attention to Jenny or anyone else.

I was actually trying to pay attention to what we were learning. But I kept getting distracted by the notes that kept landing on my desk.

'What the Hell was that about?' (From Chris)

'Bitch!' (From Jenny)

'You're so hot. Want to go out sometime?' (From Henry)

'Hey, come over to my house tonight! I know what can put you in a good mood baby!' (Don't even know who that was from.)

'I hate you! You deserve everything that Noah did to you.'

That was it. I stood up and grabbed my stuff and marched out of the classroom.

"Where are you going Katt?" The teacher called after me.

Let him call security, whatever, I didn't care anymore. That was better than staying in there and getting told that I deserved that! No one deserves that!

I turned the corner of the hall and, with my luck, guess who I ran into. Bridgett! This day could not get any better!

"Katt!" She called surprised. Her eyes were red, like she had been crying. "I need your help! I know you shouldn't help me, after what I did, but please!"

"Calm down, what happened?" I asked.

She kept sobbing. She doubled over and fell on the ground. She pulled her knees to her chest and rocked back and forth.

"Bridgett, talk to me. What's wrong?" I asked.

"Katt, wait-up!" I heard Chris call. "What happened back there-" He stopped by my side and looked at Bridgett. "What did you do?" He looked at me with the meanest look I had ever seen.

"I didn't-" I started, but he cut me off.

"She never did anything! She asked me out, is that a big deal? Do you have to have everything be about you? Maybe Jenny is right. You are a bitch!"

I just looked at him. Did he really think I did this?

"She didn't do anything, Chris!" Bridgett managed to sob out. "She didn't do anything." She repeated.

"Who did something?" I asked her. Forget Chris.

She took in a few breathes, trying to control herself. "Noah." She said, and then started sobbing again.

"What did he do?" I asked. I took her shoulders in my arms and made her look at me. "Tell me, Bridgett. What did he do?"

"Same thing as you."

He raped her? Did he rape her too? Did he hit her, too? I could see finger marks on her arms, and it looked like a bruise was forming on her left cheek.

What kind of maniac was he? Did he really have this much trouble getting girls? Or did he just like what it did to them?

I stood up. "I am going to make this right, Bridgett. I promise. Chris, take care of her." I started to walk away.

"Where the hell are you going?" I heard him shout.

I turned on my heel and looked at him. "This bitch is going to take care of her." I pointed at Bridgett. "And this isn't about me anymore. Screw you, Chris." I turned and kept walking.

"Katt! I'm sorry!" He yelled behind me.

I threw him the bird over my shoulder. I'll figure things out with him later, but right now I had o deal with something bigger.

I wasn't going to let this happen to anyone else.

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