Still Hated- part 12

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There are some things I have I'm not proud of. A lot of things actually. But, I am so ashamed of what I did when I was being bullied at my old school.

The girls kept calling me fat and ugly, and I have never felt so horrible in my life. I was miserable. I came home from school everyday, crying my eyes out, and ran straight into the kitchen. I gorged down anything I could find. Cookies, leftover spaghetti, miracle whip. Everything. And then I went to the bathroom and stuck my finger down my throat.

I would spend about an hour gagging and getting everything I could out of my stomach. That would be the only thing I would eat all day. Then I started taking laxatives and anything that would help with weight loss. The pounds fell off, and soon I was skinnier than most of the girl at school.

But still, they would pick on my glasses, braces, bad skin, and my disgusting hair. Luckily, I got my braces off a couple months later. I kept "accidently" breaking my glasses. The bill started getting so high after I was getting two different pairs and week, so my parents decided contacts would be way cheaper.

I had been saving every penny of my money towards college since I was nine. But that still wasn't a lot. I only got about 50 dollars a year for birthdays and Christmas. So I had a little over $300. I went to the hair salon one day had got my hair fixed up, and died from a poop-colored brown to a gorgeous honey-blonde color. I got a perm that put in natural looking waves so I didn't have stick straight hair anymore.

So, the only thing that was left was my skin. That was easy to fix. I just stole some of my mom's make-up; she had tons of it so she didn't even notice. Then I spent about a week looking at make-up tutorials on youtube until I practically became a professional. I started washing my skin all the time, so the acne cleared up pretty fast.

With all my extra money I bought things like teeth-whitener, nail polish, and a few appointments at the tanning salon. My mom had fantastic clothes, so I just started wearing hers. Exchanging old sweatpants for a miniskirt and black pumps.

I finally thought maybe the other girls would like me since I looked like them; hotter actually. I came to school confident and beautiful, but STILL came home crying everyday. They made jokes about my trying too hard or looking pathetic and that I would never look like them. Which were all lies of course. They were terrified of my new look attracting all the guys, which they were.

My parents became worried since I cried everyday. I was willing to do anything to get away from those girls. I looked fantastic and they were making me feel miserable.

So I changed schools. I met Chris and Noah and Bridgett. And I would do just about anything to go to yet another school. Anywhere but where I was. And I would have, if it wasn't for Chris.

On the way to his house I confessed all of this to him. He sat there in stunned silence and focused on the road. After I finished he didn't say anything. He kept driving and looked straight ahead.

"I don't blame you. I did practically the same thing a while again. Except it was completely different." He finally said.

"Yeah. I'm sure." I said. I figured he was just trying to make me feel better.

"I'm actually being serious. I didn't steal my mom's make-up or clothes or anything, but I went from being a nerd to a little less nerdy."

"Well you've done a terrible job of that." I laughed and jokingly punched his arm. He reached over and pushed me.

"Don't judge! No but actually, believe it or not, I use to be the chess champion and play the piano and violin." He said. "No one liked me though. So I traded my instrument for a baseball mitt and by sweater vest for a polo."

I couldn't stop myself from cracking up. "I would give anything to see you in a sweater vest! Do you still have them?"

"A whole closet full." He admitted.

"When we get inside you are trying one on for me." He had just pulled into his driveway and we got out of the car.

I started walking towards the door, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me in a different direction. "Follow me." He said.

We walked around to the back of the house hand-in-hand. In the middle of the backyard was a small wooden shed. The roof looked like it was about to cave in and the wood was splintering all around the small house and the paint was peeling. The door was just a small opening that you had to duck to get through.

"What is this?" I asked.

"It's love shack baby!" He sang in a low voice then started laughing at his own joke. "This is where I go when I need thinking time. You know, time away from everyone and need space. I was thinking you might need it."

"This... is perfect."

He put his arm around me and pulled me in close. "Plus there's a special surprise inside." He kissed me and pulled me in the small shed. We fell inside and landed on a small cot. We were still kissing until someone cleared their throat.

I looked over and standing next to the wall was the prettiest girl I have ever seen. She had long curly black hair and light green eyes, almost yellow looking. She was tall and pale. "Please do not have sex or anything while I'm right here." She said.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot Nadia. This is Katt." Chris said.

"I know who she is." She said , she looked over at me and gave me pity smile.

"How do you know her?" Chris asked.

"We went to the same school. I was the one who made her life hell." She smiled at me and stared. "You look good now though."

"Right, Nadia. Great to see you again." I said.


"Why haven't I seen you around school? I'm sure everyone would have been talking about you by now." I asked.

"We don't go to the same school, Katherine. I still go to your old school." She said.

"Why don't you go to the same one?" I asked them.

"I told you already, Katt." Chris said, "Noah did the same thing to my sister."

"Exactly. So, the bitch is back and I'm ready for my revenge. What do you say, Katherine. Want to make his life a living hell this time?" She walked towards me and stuck her hand out.

"I can't believe we are actually going to do this together." I grabbed her hand a shook it.

A deal with the devil to ruin Noah, this could not end well.

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