Still hated- part 5

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Chris grabbed my arm and pulled me behind him. "Noah, you have twenty seconds to get out of here." He said.

Noah took a step towards him, "Or what Chris?"

"Or I'm going to kick your-" Noah punched Chris and his head snapped back.

Chris jumped on Noah and they fell out into the front yard. I could only see fists flying and the two of them rolling around on the ground. I tried yelling for them to stop but my voice got lost in the noise.

Finally the fight broke and Chris went flying. His head hit a tree and he crumpled on the ground.

"Chris!" I started running towards him. I saw blood coming from where he hit his head. It just kept coming and coming.

"Katt. Get your ass over here." I felt something wrap around my waist and suddenly Noah was right in front of me. "I never raped you, understand. You were begging me for it." He kept wrapping his arm tighter around me until it hurt. "You lied about all this because I said I didn't want you as anything more than a sex buddy, and this was your attempt at revenge. Understand?"

"And why would I say that?" I asked.

"Because if you don't Chris over there might get hurt. And you might, too." Felt his nails dig into my side.

"You can't do this."

"Oh really?" He said mockingly.

He threw me on the ground and climbed on top of me. He hit me hard in the face and then he kissed me. He bit down had on my lip and I tasted blood.

"Oh Katt, I forgot how much I missed you. You're just so sexy." His hand ran up my shirt. I tried to push him off of my but he held my hands still.

"Noah, get off of me!" I yelled.

He smacked me again and laughed. He picked me up over his shoulder and walked over to the house. He closed and locked the front door then slammed me against the wall.

"Chris! Chris!" I tried to yell, but Noah was on top of me again.

I felt his hands and lips all over me. He was too heavy to push off and he was holding my arms still.

"Katt! Katt open the door!" I heard a muffled voice and pounding coming from the front door. Chris!

I tried yelling for help again, but then the voice stopped.

Noah threw me on the couch and yanked me shirt over my head. He took his mouth off of mine long enough for me to yell for hell again.

"Chris!!" I yelled loudly.

Noah smacked me again but then smiled and went back to kissing me. I felt him trying to unbutton my shorts, but then he was off of me and Chris was standing over him.


I'm sorry that this seems so rushed. I haven't had a lot of time to write with school and all. I'll try to do better next time. Andyways... thank you!!!!

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