Still Hated- part 8

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I ran down the steps and outside. What was I going to do? Noah would stop me if I tried to do anything, and probably beat me until I died... literally.

            "Katt! Just wait a second!" I heard Chris scream behind me. I felt his hand on my arm and jerked away.

            "What?" I spun around to face him. He disgusted me right now, but for some reason I couldn't just walk away from him. "What do you have to say?" I screamed.

            "I'm sorry. I know you hate me right now, but you can't go after Noah! He's dangerous and it's not like he won't hurt you!" He placed his hands on my shoulders to hold me in place. "Please, just calm down. We can call the police or something." He pleaded.

            "And what are they going to do? He has this town wrapped around his finger; it will be weeks before they do anything. Do you know how many girls he can hurt in that time? No, I'm doing something now."  I knocked his hands off my shoulders and stomped away.

            "Katt!" He screamed after me, but I didn't stop this time. "Katt!" I heard his footsteps on the ground trying to catch up with me.

            I felt his arms wrap around my waist and the ground go out from under my feet. He picked me up and started carrying me back towards school. I started kicking. Failing at actually kicking him but managing to look completely stupid.

            "Chris! Stop! Put me down!" I yelled.

            "You're going to thank me for this when you start thinking rationally again." He said calmly.

            "I'm never going to thank you for anything! I hate you! All I want is to be away from you!" I was mad at him for what he said to me in the hallway and I needed to stop Noah and didn't mean any of it.

            "Well, sorry but that's not happening. You are going to be with me until Noah goes to jail whether you like it or not." 

            "You don't need to protect me from Noah! You're the one that hurts me! You're the one I'm scared of!" I screamed.

            Chris stopped walking and set me gently on the ground. "You're scared of me?" He asked. I heard the pain in his voice, and it killed me. I didn't mean it at all. I always felt safer when I was with Chris, but he just didn't understand. I HAD to do this.

            "Katt. I never meant to hurt you. I only wanted to do what was best for you because I've loved you since I saw you. I don't want you to be scared of me. I'll understand if you never want to talk to me again after what I said but... I'm sorry."

            "Chris, I'll never stop talking to you. But I have to do this. And if you love me, you'll let me." I started taking a few steps away from him, getting ready to run.

            "You're going to get hurt. Please, just wait." He whispered. I knew I was hurting him, but I knew he was going to let me do this.

            "I'll be fine." I closed the gap between us and kissed him.

            People always talk in movies how "it was so passionate." Or "I felt actual love in the kiss." It doesn't even compare when you kiss someone you know you are meant to be with. There are sparks and I felt dizzy. I felt like there was no where I would rather be. And I knew he meant it when he said that he loved me, and that maybe I felt the same way.

            I was the one to break the kiss. "I'll be back and fine. Trust me."

            He just nodded his head. "Let me come with you." He said.

            "No, this is between me and him. Plus things would get more violent with you there. I'll call you if I need help. Alright."

            "Fine, but I'm staying close." He said.

            I shook my head and finally walked off the campus. I walked down the deserted street and to the familiar house.

            Noah lived close to the school, and I was guessing he was home considering he was still on suspension.

            He lived in more of a shack than a house. I was a small wooden, four-room house that was falling apart. He was outside leaning against the side of his house. Laughing.

            "Figured you'd be coming." He said.

            "How?" I asked. Something was up.

            "How do you think? I mean, I never thought Bridget would be able to pull it off, but she must me a great actress." He said. He pushed himself off the wall and started walking closer to me.

            "What do you mean?" I knew I should run, something was up, but I couldn't get my legs to go. My heart was thumping so loud that I could barely hear him talking.

            "She was pissed that you always get your way. And Chris rejecting her was the last straw. SO we decided pay back was in order. Anyways, where's your dog? Chris is always following you around lately. It would be a shame if he wasn't here to protect you."

            "He'll be here in just a second. He was waiting behind until I needed his help." I lied. I had no clue where Chris was.

            "I doubt that. He would already be here. But just to b safe, we should go before he shows up." He closed the gap between us in two strides.

            Me legs finally caught up to my brain and moved. In ran off his lawn and started down the street. But Noah was faster. I heard his feet pounding the pavement.

            If he caught me, this could be it. I would never get to see Chris again. Or kill Bridget.

            Noah grabbed my hair and I fell to the ground.  This was it.

            He picked me up and threw me in his car. He got in the drivers seat, locking all the doors

            "Well Katt, anything you want me to pass on to Chris. Considering you'll probably never get to tell him?" He laughed and stepped on the gas. "Sweet dreams, sweetheart."

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