Chapter 7

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Amir stepped outside a Bodega eating a chopped cheese and saw Robin smiling petting a cat with golden fur.

"This is bullshit. You think that old nigga was lying?" Amir said.

"I'm a cat burglar isn't it a little corny cats love me?" Robin said.

"Robin you hear me? I think we should go back there." Amir said.

"Why don't we explore? The address was a flop, probably a lie so let's not make this a complete waste." Robin said.

Amir turned Robin's body to him and said "That's the address the site gave you, you spent damn near 30 dollars not including the plane back and forth let's find him. Starting with going back there."

Robin looked down at his hands and said "Before we do can we explore please?"

"Fine Robin. We going back to that house though." Amir said.

"That's fine it's not like he's going anywhere if he is there. He's probably not." Robin shrugged.

"Robin be positive." Amir said.

"I'm being realistic." Robin said.

Robin and Amir went to the botanical gardens. While Robin smelled flowers and looked at some of the plant-life.

Amir leaned on a wall and snorted.

"Come here!" Robin said grabbing Amir's hand and bringing him to a bed of red flowers.

"Smell them don't they smell sweet?" Robin said.

Amir sniffed the flowers and sneezed.

Robin laughed and Amir smeared some of the snot on his fingers and followed Robin. "Laugh now. Laugh now!"

"I'm not playing with you! Robin said running away from Amir.

"Laugh!" Amir said.

Robin and Amir each stepped out a pizzeria with each had a large slice and fries.

Amir took a bite and said "Shits nasty, fries alright."

"It's good!" Robin said.

"Then take mines." Amir said.

"More for me. Chicago's is too salty to be honest." Robin said.

"What you say?" Amir said.

"You heard exactly what I said, with those enormous ears you can hear somebody's thoughts!" Robin said.

"This pizza's shit!" Amir said playfully pushing Robin.

"That's your opinion even though it's completely wrong." Robin said.

"It's fact boy!" Amir said.

"Living in Chicago so long I've forgotten what good food tasted like then I came here." Robin laughed.

The woman working inside the pizzeria smiled and nodded once at Robin.

"She agrees!" Robin said.

"Cause she work there!" Amir said.

Inside another Lyft "Robin I wanna go to Harlem now, see the Apollo I already called for us to join a tour." Amir said.

"I don't care." Robin said.

"I thought they'd let you touch the Tree of Hope stump!" Amir said.

"It is an antique. Wouldn't touching it be like wanting to touch a painting in a museum?" Robin said.

"I don't care I still wanted to touch it. I wanted you to touch it too." Amir said.

"For what?" Robin said.

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