In an office Robin wore a headpiece and typed away on an computer and said "Sir according to our database your wages were garnished. You should have been made aware of this well over a month ago."
"That wasn't junk!?" The man said.
The man's yelling made Robin's ears ring. Robin tapped his foot and through gritted teeth said "Sir I'll be able to help you if you too cooperate, please refrain from raising your voice."
"Why the fu-Why did they take my money?" The man said.
"Just a minute." Robin said. Robin stared at the information and rolled his eyes. "Sir, your wages were garnished due to back child support."
"Wa-bitch!" The man said, he hung up on Robin.
Robin's supervisor, Morgan walked through and said "Robin. Attitude! Smile." He said smiling then walking past.
Robin took a deep breath and said "I was 4-5 seconds away from reading him his obituary cause he had one more time to cuss at me." Robin took a deep breath pressed a button and said "My name Robin Maxwell how may I help you today?"
Robin sat on a bus filled with different people of all races and ages next to him was an elderly Hispanic woman with a full light brown face with round cheeks, small brown eyes, a narrow long nose, wrinkles and few moles on her face, some of her hair was silver and black tied in a bun.
"Robin." She said tapping him.
"What?" Robin said.
"Look at that lady behind you." She said.
"No Mrs.Cruz." Robin chuckled.
"Look at her hair." Mrs.Cruz whispered.
"No!" Robin hissed.
Robin turned his body around and saw a woman with a stiff black wig with red highlights.
Robin burst into laughter as did Mrs.Cruz.
"I'm not laughing at the wig I'm laughing at how you turned around and looked at it." Mrs.Cruz said.
"Does the wig have rigor mortis?" Robin whispered.
"Get some embalming fluid and we will find out." Mrs.Cruz whispered.
The two laughed. "This is my stop. See you tomorrow Mrs.Cruz."
"Bye Robin. Please be good." Mrs.Cruz said.
"No!" Robin said stepping off the bus.
Robin walked up Kenya's porch saying "Fucked up wig. Had to be straw in a previous life." Robin unlocked the door.
"Kenny!" Robin said."I'm up here!" Kenny said.
Robin walked upstairs, opened the door to Kenny's room and saw a ring made of pillows the triplets were inside of.
"Keyon, AJ, Serena. I'm here!" Robin said.
AJ looked up at right crawled to the edge of the ring with his hands in the air wanting to be picked up. "Eh! Eh!" He said.

Loving Me
Fiksi UmumThe sequel to "Maverick" that focuses more on Robin as a single parent to triplets attempting to better himself and come into his own.