Robin laid in his bed and was on the phone with Avery, the triplets were on the floor playing with toys and yelling. Robin said "My visit was...interesting. I don't know how to feel about it part of me thinks I should be happy but the other part is like, eh."
"Why should?" Avery said.
"Huh?" Robin said.
"You said I should why is it should?" Avery said.
"Because I took his money and is it bad if I don't really feel any way towards him?" Robin said.
"You're numb." Avery said.
"Makes sense." Robin shrugged.
"It's gonna take time realistically. I mean on all of those TV shows where kids meet up with their parents after estrangement and have a tearful reunion is not realistic. What is realistic is the meeting you had, justifiable fury, apprehension and awkwardness. Your father should go out of his way to meet you on your level because you are the child and he should also respect your boundaries." Avery said.
"That hug was...uncomfortable." Robin said, shaking his head.
"Set-up boundaries then Robin. Before you do that ask yourself, do I want a relationship with this man?" Avery said.
Robin leant to the side and watched his children then rolled his eyes at Keyon scratching his butt and digging in his nose.
"Hold on. Get your hands out of there boy!" Robin said.
Keyon moved his hands and Robin set the phone down, picked Keyon up and said "Boy you getting heavy."
Keyon turned to Robin and said Daddy said I big and strong."
Robin washed Keyon's hands in the sink, dried them off and went back to the phone "I'm back." He said.
"Missed you." Avery chuckled.
"I...think I do want to. But after my fantasy fell through, reality set in and told me if I ever did meet him assholery would follow." Robin said.
"It is up to you Robin, meet him if you want to not if someone forces you or guilts you into it." Avery said.
Robin smiled and said "Thank you Avery it's so calm and refreshing talking to you. I'm gonna go check this mail again, B-"
"No! You don't have to hang-up we can still talk while you go." Avery said.
"Oh, o...ok." Robin said shaking his head.
AJ stood up and said "Mommy we going again?"
"Yeah. Get up." Robin said.
Keyon stood up but Serena pouted and said "Hate walking I want stay here!"
"Get up Lil girl!" Robin said.
Serena stood up, her arms folded and stomped out the room.
"I know you better walk like you have common sense!" Robin yelled.
Robin heard "Pfffffft!"
"She gonna be eating that tongue with that attitude." Robin said.
Robin checked his mailbox and saw that it was filled. Robin gasped and looked through the mail and saw the letter he most desired, his DNA results.
"Avery it came." Robin said tearing open the letter.
"The results? You open them?" Avery said.
Robin opened the letter and looked past the writing his throat was dry and his heart pounded in his chest. Near the bottom of the page was his answer "Probability of paternity...99.9998%." Robin exhaled.

Loving Me
General FictionThe sequel to "Maverick" that focuses more on Robin as a single parent to triplets attempting to better himself and come into his own.