Robin and Santiago both stepped out of a DNA Diagnostic Center.
"I wish I could fast forward time so that I can be a peace about this." Santiago said.
Robin nodded.
Robin and Santiago sat inside a restaurant and Santiago spoke "Y'know I love coming here, ever since I was a kid. A few times my parents brought me, and you bring a girl here that's the best way to impress her."
Robin nodded.
"Robin do you want to say how you feel?" Santiago said.
"Why did you give-up looking for me?" Robin said.
Santiago's muscles appeared tense and he lowered his head.
"It was a scam, a fake non-profit. The patchwork heart, got my hopes up looking for you they had some records and a picture of you and I gave them almost $4,000. I was jerked around for almost 3 years with those assholes. So I gave up hope and I prayed that you were doing good. And I quit on you, Robin please give me a chance, please." Santiago pleaded with Robin, looking in his eyes.
"Tsk. Prayer." Robin huffed. "I wish somebody could tell me what praying does. Your house burned down and your husband and three kids died!? I'll pray for you. So do nothing? Then why the fuck are you speaking to me? Unless you about to give me some money or send a condolence, mail that prayer to Santa or put it under your pillow for the tooth fairy. Far as I'm concerned if God exists we know this, he loves watching endless suffering, the end."
Robin looked Santiago up and down, turned his mouth to a sneer and said "And what can you do for me? I've taken care of myself I don't need a father for anything. How do I know you won't reject me again?" Robin said shaking his head and shrugging once.
"Robin I'm not failing you again. I want to know who you are I can't think of how you'd benefit but I want to get to know my son if you'll allow me." Santiago said.
"Y'know when I was 9 I used to have dreams, dreams where you would drive up to my Foster home in a limousine beat up my foster father that said if I didn't sleep in his bed I had to sleep outside and you would drive me away and I'd never come back and you had a million dollars and you said it was all mine. Then I realized no one was coming and that your a fucking fool if you wait for someone to save you other than yourself." Robin said.
"Robin I'm sorry." Santiago said.
Robin didn't say anything.
"Robin can you tell me about your kids then?" Santiago said.
Robin raised his head, sighed and said "AJ is the oldest, Serena was second and Keyon was the last. AJ is the sweetest, kindest, generous most sensitive baby you'll meet. Serena has a bad attitude, rude, she takes whatever she wants, Amir spoiled her, she likes jewelry and she's protective of her brothers. Keyon is messy, hates clothes, goofy and playful and I love them." Robin smiled.
Santiago smiled and said "Can I know something about you?"
"I used to work at a call center, I'm confrontational, I hate everyone on this planet equally, I like money, I'm disrespectful, I'm a thief and I love jewelry." Robin said.
"Kinda like Serena?" Santiago said.
Robin nodded.
The rest of the meeting was silent as Santiago and Robin ate.
"Robin?" Santiago said.
"What." Robin said.
"I know you're still uncomfortable with me but can you do two things for me?" Santiago said.

Loving Me
General FictionThe sequel to "Maverick" that focuses more on Robin as a single parent to triplets attempting to better himself and come into his own.