In the kitchen of Monica's apartment she and Robin spoke while drinking from glasses.
"He really didn't know after a year and a half?" Monica said.
"He said, he was in denial of Duane's weird habits. It's been awkward between them at school not speaking but his friend Mike is helping while he's there." Robin said.
"You know, I got into University of Illinois." Monica said.
Robin beamed and said "Monica! That's great! I know you told me to stop saying this but you came so far!"
Monica smiled a little and said "Thanks, I thought I'd be happier but I don't know how to feel about it." Monica shrugged. "I have dreams about him."
"Who-" Robin stopped mid-sentence and sucked his teeth. "What about?"
"I'm not being raped or beaten or nothing. It's just me on the street like nothing changed." Monica said.
"That's behind you and you're above it." Robin said.
"I wish I believed it." Monica said.
"You ever think of talking to a professional? Cause all my advice is either bad or illegal." Robin said.
"With what money and what's a therapist gonna tell me I don't already know?" Monica said.
"I don't know Monica we have legitimate problems if you think about it, Mommy issues, abuse, abandonment, rape, murder...he had it coming." Robin spat at the end.
"Even if I had the money I'm not telling my business to nobody so they can call the cops on me?" Monica said.
"Don't they take an oath of silence?" Robin said.
"So am I. I'm taking this shit to my grave." Monica said.
Robin sighed and shook his head.
Robin boarded the bus and saw that it was crowded and said aloud "I'm coming through, for those with bags and walkers and don't want to move them, I'm wrapping them around my leg, dragging them to the back of the bus and no I will not give them back.
Some people moved their things and others snickered as Robin took his seat.
The bus was mobile, Robin happened to look out the window and saw Avery walking into a house behind a woman.
"I didn't know he lived around here." Robin said.
Robin opened the door to his apartment and the triplets ran inside Keyon pulled and tugged at his clothes to take them off.
"Uh, uh, uh, uh! Put them on your bed!" Robin said.
Keyon frowned and nodded.
"Staaaawp!" AJ said.
Robin looked to the source and saw that Serena had her doll by wrists hitting him in his back.
Robin snorted and snatched the doll from Serena.
"Why!?" Serena screamed.
AJ cried and clung to Robin's leg.
"It was Cutie!" Serena said.

Loving Me
General FictionThe sequel to "Maverick" that focuses more on Robin as a single parent to triplets attempting to better himself and come into his own.