Chapter 10 || Arrested

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"Rose!" I cry out, quickly rushing towards the hospital bed. "Oh my gosh." I stifle a sob and cover one hand over my mouth, the other wrapped around my fragile daughter's.

Her eyes are shut closed, machines are beating beside her, a needle in her skin to provide her body with what it needs, breathing mask on her nose and mouth to filter the air that she hardly breathes. A little slip of blood is attached to a tube which is attached to Rose to send blood into her body. Tears run down my cheeks as I watch the poor sight of my perfect daughter.

Silent whispers of prayers leaves my pale lips as I feel a hand on my back. I turn to look, my vision blurred by my tears. My husband. I let out a loud sob and Orlando quickly wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer. By the shake that's vibrating through my body, I realise that my husband is crying. My man is crying. The love of my life is breaking down in tears in front of me, because of this bitch. I think to myself. Jessica. She will get what she deserves.

"Baby," I sob, releasing our linked hands. I reach up and cup his cheek softly and give him a soft peck on the lips. Our kiss breaks and Orlando's hand slides back into mine as we stare at our beautiful, peaceful daughter. We stand there in silence for who knows how long, silent tears streaming down our faces but not one second letting go of our daughter's and each other's hands.

"I love you Rose," I whisper to my daughter, more tears spilling out. "I always will."

I turn to look to my side as a loud sob escapes Orlando's lips and I bring his hand up to my mouth as I form a kiss and press softly onto the back of his hand, kissing it gently.

"Please Rose, we need you. You're our baby girl," Lando cries.
I squeeze his hand to show him a sign of affection, a sign of comfort, a sign of safety. That everything will be okay. But will it?


I wake to a rushed sound, like people hurrying into and out of a room. Why are there people in my bedroom? What time is it?
I groan as I slowly open my eyes, and as I'm about to yell at whoever they are that are bothering me, my eyes focus to the scene in front of me and I remember that I'm in my hospital room. After Lando and I told Rose those few words, we went back to my room and fell asleep. I look to my right to see my husbands hand cupped in mine. Our fingers are intertwined and I smile at the scene. I love him so much. I watch my husband as his facial expressions change through those few seconds the I've been staring. I wonder what he's thinking about, I giggle. As my giggle escapes my lips, lando's head turns to mine and his bright eyes shine as they land on me.

"Good morning babe," he smiles, leaning in. I feel the soft touch of his lips as they press onto mine and I let out a soft moan as I run my hand through his hair, pulling him closer to me.

"Alright, alright, stop the PDA. I don't want a live sex show thank you very much."

We both turn our heads and I glare at the voice for a few seconds, until my face lightens up and I smile at my assistant. "Hey Tamra."

She soon returns my smile and walks over to me, embracing me into a tight hug. "Hi bae. How are you?"

"Not too shabby, if we exclude the fact that I am currently laying in a hospital bed, waiting on news of me and my daughter. You? How is my oh so ever bright assistant?" I smile at the face Tamra pulls in disgust as she hears that word.

"Assistant. Is that really all I am to you?"

I chuckle and give her a smile. "You know you mean more."

Tamra flutters her eyelashes and flashes a great big grin. "Yeah, I do." We both laugh. It's good to laugh with my friend again. "Anyway, How is my little cookie doing?"
I smile at the thought of my daughter. "She's not little anymore."

Tamra rolls her eyes playfully, a small smile spread on her lips. "Riiight. Our baby is growing up."

That's when Lando cuts in. "Excuse me, but she is my baby, and only mine."

"Oh Lando, hush up," I smile innocently before giving him a quick kiss.

There's a moment of silence until Tamra speaks again.

"So, how is she really doing?"

The tension has turned from playful into serious, and I take in a sharp breath as I think about my daughter. "I don't know. I haven't spoken with anyone since yesterday when I went to visit her, and no doctor has updated me. She looks bad, Tamra. She has all these tubes attached to her and her eyes are squeezed shut. Bandages are covering her wrists, and a tank* of blood is connected to her. Meanwhile, that bitch who did this to her is still roaming around in those streets, not paying for what she did."

"Actually Miss, she is paying for what she did."

Lando, Tamra and I turn around in shock as we turn towards the voice. A large attractive man is staring back at us, his uniform telling us that he's a cop. When did he get in here? His eyebrows are furrowed and he watches our reactions intently. How long has he been standing there?

"I just came in. Did you not hear me?"

I snap out of my daydream and stare at the policeman. "Excuse me officer?"

He chuckles at my expression and my face relaxes. So he didn't ask me an important question. "You asked me that question out loud, so I answered."

Well shit.

I form my mouth into an O, no sound coming out. I nod my head and there's an awkward tension in the air before Tamra speaks again. "I'm sorry officer, but what are you doing here?"

The officer takes a step forward. "I'm officer Jim Dales. Are any of you..." Officer Dales pauses what he was saying and looks down at a file. He looks back up and continues. "Katheryn Hudson and Orlando Bloom?"

Lando and I both nod. "That's us. Anything wrong?" We both quickly intertwine our fingers and Lando squeezes my hand slightly.

Officer Dales takes another step forward, but before saying anything, his eyes land on Tamra, "Are you immediate family?"

Before Tamra can say that she isn't and get kicked out, I quickly grab her arm and answer instead. "Yes, she is. She's a sibling." I know Tamra would want to hear anything about me or my life, including my child. Whether this is about my child.

The officer nods and starts to continue with his story as I look at Tamra through the corner of my eye.
"Thank you," she mouths.
I smile in response and turn my attention back on the cop who is in the middle of his sentence.

"Jessica has been arrested."

We all gasp as that sentence slides out of the officers mouth. "Arrested? F-for what?"

"She's been caught, Mr. Bloom. For everything she's ever done, excluding that to your little daughter over there."

W-what? What other things has Jessica done, and how bad is it compared to what she did to Rose?


* by this, I meant that you know how at a hospital when someone needs blood they have like this sac of blood, sometimes other liquids, hang up from this thing that is connected with the sac and the person? Yah. Well that's what I'm talking about.

Hi babes! We're SO sorry we haven't been updating, we've both been very busy but we promise that the next chapter will be up when we get 5 votes on this chapter!!

Pls comment, vote, and share!❤️❤️ it means so much that you are reading our story, because we work hard on it and spend a lot of time thinking of ideas! Xx

What do you think will happen with Jessica? Will she be in court, and get thrown in jail, or not? What has she done that was so bad?

Do you think Katy and Rose will get better? Or worse?

I hope 2018 will be everyone's year, and that nothing but good happens. We love youuu, don't forget to vote so we can post the next chapter(when this one has 5 votes!)
-perrine❤️❤️ (also if u have any ideas for a big theme in a chapter pls feel free to comment!! We promise we could give credits)

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