Chapter 12 || Back To Normality

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"Mum! Dad!" Rose cries as her eyes land on us. Immediately our hands break apart as we run towards our daughter, our tears spewing down our faces.

"Rose, oh my god," I burst out as I wrap my daughter in a tight embrace. "I can't believe you're awake," I sob. "I was so worried about you."

Rose and I break the embrace as I say that and her eyes widen with surprise.

Wait, why is she surprised?

"Really? You were worried?"

How could she ever think I wasn't?

I reach my hand up to her forehead and sweep a strand of blonde hair away from her face. "Of course we were."

She smiles up at me in relief as I say that, but instead of questioning her I reach forward and give her a small peck on the top of her head just as my husband slips our hands in his. "My girls," he smiles contently. We both gratefully return his smile.


"So yes, I am dismissing you but you need to follow my instructions carefully. Understand?"

Rose rolls her eyes at the doctor lecturing her. "Yes, Doctor. I understand. I promise I will. Just anything to go back home again, back to normality."

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble, Miss Perry-Bloom, but this is just the beginning of the drama. You will need to appear in court in a few weeks about Jessica, and you will need to help us and tell us everything you know and everything she has done to you. We can't let her get away with it, not this time," the police officer near my daughter's bed rumbles on, his voice sad but stern.

"Ah, don't forget, you will also need to visit the hospital regularly for check ups," the doctor adds, hoping Rose didn't hear the last part that the police officer mumbled.

"W-wait.. go back to what he said," she points at the officer, and I give her a disapproving look. Never point to a person, it's rude. "What do you mean, "not this time"? So she's done this before?" Rose asks, looking at the officer.

"I-uh-" the officer stutters. His eyes scan nervously to me and Orlando, pleading for help.

Orlando takes the lead.

He heaves himself off of the counter he was leaning on and sighs. "Alright, I think it's time you should go, Officer. My family and I would like to go home, if that's alright with you."

The officer quickly nods and rushes out of the room, relief flooded on his face.

When he's gone, Lando looks at both me and Rose and smiles. "Shall we go?"

Rose's face immediately lights up as her father asks this. "Yes!! I can't wait to see Nugget again."

We all laugh and Lando and I throw an arm over our daughter's shoulders.

"Me too darling, me too," I smile as we make our way out of the room. After checking out we leave the hospital and get into our limo that we have especially for Rose's dismissal.

"Nugget, here I come!" I smile.


"We're home!" Rose sighs happily as we enter the big gate doors.

I sigh too as the sweet scent of familiarity whisks up my nose and the sight of my comfort home immediately fills my heart with joy. The first thing we see is a small, brown, curly nugget run towards us, her barks filling the comfortable silence of the room.

"My baby, oh my darling," I grin as I pick her up in my arms. She gently licks my face, forming a tearful smile as I can't help but be grateful for her existence, and that she is here with us today. "Hi my baby," I plant kisses on Nugget as I talk to her.

"Darling, shall I do you a favour and cook lunch for us?" Orlando asks as he wraps his protective arms around me and pulls me into a long-lasting hug once I've put Nugget down. How I've missed these arms.

We separate and I flash him a smile. "Well I would love that. You are a great cook after all and won't be poisoning us, unlike me," I giggle.

"I second that!" Rose yells from the living room.

"Rose!" I gasp as I turn around and shoot her a playful glare. She sticks her tongue out at me and I flash her a grin.
Orlando lets out a soft chuckle as he watches us and shakes his head. He walks over to the kitchen and as he starts preparing our lunch, I join my daughter on a couch in the living room. "What're we watching?"

"Friends!" Rose grins, her eyes not leaving the screen.

I can't help but smile as I watch her let out a loud laugh as Joey punches Ross in the face.

I missed this. The normality. The normality of being at home with my family watching Netflix and cooking lunch. I softly chuckle to myself as I come to the realisation that these last few months we've basically lived at the hospital.

I continue to watch my daughter as I start to lightly stroke her hair. I could've lost her. I could've lost my perfect princess.

She could've died.


I look up at the sound of my daughter's cute British accent that she got from her father and I'm surprised when I see her dead ass looking at me with a concerned look on her face. I raise an eyebrow but say nothing.

Rose flashes me a small smile. "You're crying."

"What?" I raise a finger to my cheek and realise that Rose is right, my cheek is wet from tears. I guess I started crying thinking about the scenario of losing Rose. Stop crying Katheryn. She's not dead, she's still here isn't she? I think to myself as I stare at a mini me and mini Orlando mushed together, at our precious creation. I could've lost her. that just triggers me to cry more, much to my avail.

"I'm - sorry-" I say in between sobs as my daughter flashes me a look of worry. "I just- t-thought a-about how I almost lost you..."

Rose quickly grabs my hands into hers as I let out more tears and gives them a squeeze. "Mum, look at me. I. Am. Alive. I'm still here! So how about instead of thinking if I wasn't here, think about that I am! Let's live life more positively. I'm sick of negativity, I'm so sick of it. It almost destroyed me and I will not let it destroy you! I love you, mum."

Wow. That's my daughter.

I smile at Rose, tearful. "I love you more. How did you grow up to be such an amazing young woman?"

Rose flashes me a bright grin from ear to ear as she says, "I've had two amazing people to learn from."

I smile at that, my tears finally staying in my eyes. I'm so excited for the days to come. Normality. Days where we can spend on the couch watching movies, walking our dogs, making food together, laughing.


I can't wait to have that again.

/// author's note ///

hi babeees!

I just wanted to personally thank you all for 1K views/reads!!

That's insane. Literally insane.

I'm so glad that you vote for the chapters, and I am grateful for all of your reads and comments. Thank you for choosing to read this book/story!! It means a lot to us 💗

I'm sorry we haven't updated for a long time, we've both been really busy and have had writer's block. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
If you have any feedback or commentary, let us know 😊

I still can't believe we have 1000 reads. That's a lot. Thank you sooo much😍💜💜

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2018 ⏰

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