Chapter 4: Be Amazed

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The next day, Tintin woke up from a peaceful night's sleep, "Sweet baby Jesus!" he shouted happily, "That was one weird ass dream." he stretched and yawned, he smelled something cooking, that's unusual. He was the only one home, who could be cooking? He got up and slowly walked to the kitchen, there in front of him was Anais. Snowy was jumping and barking happily at her heel. "Okay, okay," she giggled and pointed at the dog bowl, it floated in mid air, Anais then gestured to the dog food and poured it into the bowl while she was cooking still. "Its you!" Tintin called out, Anais turned around and smiled at him.

"Good morning." she beamed, "Go get washed up, breakfast will be ready soon."

"You're here-" he was interrupted by a feather flying towards him, it tickled his side which caused him to laugh. 

"I promised that I'd come back, didn't I?"

"Well, yes-"

"Go on then! Get ready for breakfast silly." Tintin listened to her order and headed to the bathroom to wash up. Anais shook her head and continued to cook.

A few minutes later Tintin came out to the kitchen and took a seat at the table, in front of him was a plate of 2 fluffy pancakes with strawberry syrup, "Thank you." He smiled, Anais sat in front of him with Snowy on her lap. Tintin took a bite of a pancake, it was sweet and soft. "This tastes amazing!" He chimed and snarfed down the sweets. Anais smiled happily and produced a book from her satchel,  Doctor Dolittle, she was halfway through the book, "I'm glad you like it." she smiled.

Tintin took a sip of milk an then looked at her, "So," He wiped the milk mustache off his lips, "Since you know everything about me, tell me about yourself." He leaned in with curiosity. His eyes twinkled in the light, he looked like a little puppy in Anais's eyes, his slightly rosy cheeks made him seem friendly but he surly wasn't that friendly. Anais smiled and  placed her head in her hand, "What would you like to know?" 

"Your age, your likes and dislikes, where you came from and why you're here exactly?" Tintin pulled out a journal and pen. Anais giggled and rolled her eyes, she turned the page of her book and looked at him. "Well, for starters, I'm 16 years old." Tintin nodded and looked at her closely, "I like all animals but I prefer cats, I dislike a lot of things-"

"Still gonna be vague huh?" Tintin smirked.

"Yep," she grinned, "And I came from heaven. I'm here to-"

"Cast down the unworthy and protect the worthy, what does that mean?" Anais sighed and furrowed her brow in deep thought, Tintin waited for a reply, Tintin clicked his pen repeatedly. Anais looked at him, "The 'unworthy' are beings whose souls have been corrupt," she picked up a plum, "Souls that are corrupt are filled with darkness. A soul becomes corrupt if it does what the demons want it to do or when the person does something wrong, like kill someone, and praise themselves then a soul becomes corrupt. Over time a soul will become fully corrupt and the being the soul belongs to will become a demon and can never change back, they will be stuck in an eternal hellfire." she squeezed the plum causing it to gush and explode. Tintin jumped, watching curiously as the girl licked the plum remains off her hand. 

Tintin tilted his head, he needed answers, he continued nibbling at the pancakes. "But," he said as he wiped his face with a napkin, "What about souls that aren't fully corrupted?" he looked straight at her, he watched as her face stayed the same, waiting for an answer. She sighed and looked at him, "Souls that are about lower than 50% corrupt," she explained, "they can be changed back easily. But souls that are 50%- some change back but some turn to demons."

"What about if they're more than 50%?"

"Then, it's extremely difficult to change the soul back to its pure state." her expression was grim, Tintin gulped down hard. Well then this is great. 


~Author's say!~ 
Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the latest chapter! Sorry I haven't been updating a lot...AGAIN ^-^' I've been really busy and then the fact my depression has been slowly eating away at my heart and my ideas, it's just been too much to actually write something that people would enjoy. I haven't been really happy with some of the content I've been making but hey, you guys like it so what the hell. *shrugs* ~(*-* ~) But I do want you guys to know that most of these stories I produce just come out of the blue (since I have ADHD, I daydream a lot and tend to have these ideas and characters) or will mostly form from my depression, as you can tell that's why I wrote We are All Broken and Untitled Fate. But anyways, thanks for your support!

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