Chapter 13: the Lucky Unluckies

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Stone cold, smooth as slate, heavy as sorrow, empty like a shell. 

Anais was sprawled out on the pew, immobile and limp, cold. Her heart was back but she was still in the church (that she broke into...). The sun was rising, Father Media waltzed in to find the little angel asleep, "Anais," He whispered softly, "You are a being far more greater and powerful than humans, but you are still a child..." He walked back, leaving the girl, but came back seconds later with a warm blanket for the child. He left her there to rest, the angel was so peaceful, would Heaven be like this? 

Hours later, the church bells chimed to welcome the new dawn, Anais jolted awake and rubbed her eyes. The sun flooded through the windows, Anais finally realized that she was still in the church, "AAAHHH!!!" She screeched, "I'm so sorry sir!" She bowed her head in front of the alter, "I forgot to leave and-" she continued to ramble on and on, asking for forgiveness from the Lord, Lorenz Media heard this and watched from the distance. The girl was fidgety and smiled awkwardly at the large crucifix that stood in front of her. Lorenz smiled and walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, she jumped.

"It's okay," He smiled softly, "I'm sure God understands." He chuckled softly and reassuringly, Anais eased and hugged the priest. The two had a little conversation and then went their two separate ways. Anais left the church only to be greeted by the overwhelming scent of lilacs, it was amazing. She strolled down the street, she stopped every now and then just to pluck some of the lovely flowers for little Chris. It was peaceful on the way back to the Venicci's house, she was thinking about how her friends back in France were doing, she was so buried in her thoughts that she didn't realize Bella at the front entrance, "Messenger," the girl said coldly. 

Anais came back to the present and greeted Bella with a smile, "Ah," she waved, "Bella, hello!" Bella stared at her with a blank and cold face. Anais waved her hand in front of the girl's face and tilted her head, she saw Mrs. Venicci slumped on the ground in the back- there was blood on the walls. Anais's eyes widened as she realized what happened. 

"What's wrong?" Bella, or what seemed to be Bella, cooed, "I thought the messenger of God wasn't afraid of humans." a grim smile spread across her face and her eyes blackened. Anais jumped back, this wasn't Isabella... The figure drew closer and snickered. "Is the messenger afraid to hurt a human?" it cackled and snapped its fingers, causing Anais to be tossed into the air and violently thrown to the ground. The bystanders on the street scattered about and shrieked, some ran to the church or to their homes. The figure stood there and cackled as Anais stumbled back on her feet. 

Citizens were running about, some called the police thinking that they'd help. A a couple of news reporters skittered by and recorded the chaos. Anais charged towards the figure, "Leave!" she called out as she cast a spell, "Pilier du lumièr!" a pillar of light was sent straight through the enemy, what seemed to be Isabella was writhing and screeching at this, "Leave Isabella's body at once, demon!" Isabella, the demon inside of Bella's body, hissed as a black cloud surrounded Bella's body and formed a nonhuman figure. 

Anais sliced the air with her hand and created a blade of blue light, Lugo fluttered out and merged with the blade. The demon lunged towards the angel, swiping and clawing, Anais dodged and ducked but she lost her footing and fell. The demon rushed forward and scratched and lunged. With bleeding arms and legs Anais pushed the demon away and got up with unbalance. Blood everywhere, even on her wings. "Leave..." She huffed, the demon only cackled and strided slowly to the angel.

"You think that I took over this girl's body?" it stopped in front of Anais, "We made a deal." Anais's eyes widened, a deal? Isabella didn't seem like the type to make a deal with a demon.. Anais was trying to place all the pieces together that she forgot about the demon (who was now charging for her again). The demon threw a blow that sent Anais in the air again and falling into the ground, feathers falling and dust in the air. Anais coughed up blood and tried to stumble back onto her feet, the demon was getting closer and closer, she had no way to dodge it's next attack quick enough. "Stop!" A familiar voice cried out, it was Media, "In the name of the Lord," He had in his hand a mini crucifix, "Leave the angel alone and leave this girl's body!" The demon only laughed and flicked the priest out of the way, sending him flying a few meters away. Anais got up and sprinted towards Media but was knocked off course by a swipe of the demon.

The demon rushed forward with it's fist raised high to strike the fallen angel, Anais closed her eyes tight and waited. The people of the town watched with concern but were too afraid to intervene. The demon brought it's fist down on the angel, as the fist was falling Anais ran her sword through the demon's fist. A shriek of pain and agony filled the air, the demon drew back in pain and stared at the injury. Anais rushed forth, jumping into the air and slicing the demon straight down the middle.

She looked back to see the face of Bella, "Wait-" she watched as Bella's eyes slowly fluttered open as she lifted her head up to focus on Anais, she muttered something. It was raspy and hoarse, "H-help me..." was all that was heard. "Anais..." Anais's heart sank, Bella really did make a deal... Anais rushed and flew towards the girl, with her arm extended to take hers and to free her, Bella's pleading eyes met the angel's. Their fingers touched and instantly a surge of memories convulsed through Anais, Bella's memories of her father and what actually happened. 

Bella in fact did make a deal with the devil but she made more than one. She was the one who asked the devil to kill her father, she asked that her mother have good blessings, and she was the one who made the deal to reveal the demon's name for her soul... 

Anais snapped out of the memories and began tugging at Bella's arm, the black ooze surrounding the poor girl started to reform around her again. Anais used great force to try pulling her out but the efforts were in vain. It was too late, Bella was already suffocated by the ooze, the demon was back and its smile was as wide as ever. "You love humans." The demon growled and knocked the angel away. Anais regained her balance and stood her ground (she was in the air though-). There was a fair enough space between the two, enough space for Anais to cast a spell, "Per aspera ad astra..." The demon flinched and shook with fear.

"Stop that!" it hissed. Anais continued to stand her guard.

"Through hardships to the stars, per aspera ad astra. Per aspera ad inferi, through hardships to hell..." she closed her eyes and repeated this phrase. The demon screeched and rushed towards her, Anais sliced the demon with a swift movement of her blade, she flew higher and made a gesture as if she were shooting a bow from an arrow. The demon winced in pain as an arrow of light penetrated its arm. 

"Stop!!!!" the demon writhed.

"Con Clavi. Con Dio. With nails with God. I banish thee!" she made a swiping motion with her hand, this caused the demon to cry aloud with an infernal sound. It jumped up and spread black and boney wings, flying away and escaping through a portal. Anais stared with disbelief, it escaped... She couldn't save Bella or defeat the demon... what had she done....

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