Chapter 3: wHo aRE yOU?@!@$##

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Tintin busted out of his apartment and ran into the alley way where he heard the scream, it was a cold night, the moon's blue shine seemed as if God himself was watching. Tintin turned the corner only to have his adrenaline turned into cold, hard fear. There on the ground was a limp body, blood oozing on the floor, there in front of it was blue light. Tintin squinted his eyes to get a better look at what was in front of him, it was that girl from before. "You!" he exclaimed, "W-what, why?!" He kept his eyes pinned on her, in her hand was a sword of blue light. She turned around and saw him.

"Get out of here," her eyes widened, "Now." her voice was stern. Tintin shook his head and reached for his gun behind him, his eyes still locked on her, cold and harsh. Anais walked towards him, hands shaky, "Get out. Now." She said a bit louder.

"No." the boy replied defensively, "Not until you tell me what's going on." Anais lunged towards him and pushed him to the ground, he fell onto the cold concrete, his gun fell out of his hand and slide next to him. The next thing Tintin saw was a shadow ramming into the girl, sending her straight into a concrete wall of an abandoned building. Tintin gasped and scooted back quickly, taking his gun with him. Apparently this got the attention of that thing, it turned its head in the boy's general direction (I FART IN YOUR GENERAL DIRECTION!!!) and hissed, it skittered towards him quickly. Tintin screamed and pointed his gun at the thing, "Stay back!" he yelled, the creature was a foot away from him, swaying back and forth, Tintin pulled the trigger. Bang! The bullet went straight through the creature's head, it had no affect but it only made the creature angrier. 

The creature charged at Tintin, the boy closed his eyes and waited for the worst, clank! He opened his eyes to see the girl blocking the creature's blow, "Get away from here." She growled as she tried to push the creature away, "Get away dammit!" Tintin got up and took a step back, as soon as he was a safe distance away he looked back to see Anais slash at the creature with her sword and then place her hand on its chest. The creature roared in pain, it was a terrible and agonizing roar, the creature went up in purple flames and disappeared. All that was left was just a floating, black orb which Anais grabbed and placed it in front of her chest. The orb was being sucked into something, but Tintin had no clue what it was- he just watched as the orb disappeared.

Anais walked to the corpse, knelt down besides it and gripped its hand, "I'm sorry," she said softly, slowly wings appeared on Anais's back, "I'm sorry that I couldn't have gotten here sooner, if I'd have showed up sooner you'd still be on this earth. You're in a better place now, I hope you will find happiness and I hope that in your heart you can forgive me." Anais took her other hand and held it above the body, moving it all the way to the feet, the body started to fade away into what seemed like stars. A butterfly of light was left in its place, it fluttered its tiny and beautiful wings. It circled around Anais and landed on her nose, "Thank you." said the butterfly in a whispery voice. And with that it flew away into the night sky. Anais sighed deeply and bowed her head, seconds after she got up and turned to see Tintin. His face still the same, "What are you?" Tintin stuttered.

"I'm an angel," Anais smiled, "Or you can just call me the messenger of the Lord." Tintin froze and stared at the girl's wings. The moon was blue, just like the paper had said. The girl's hair was blue like the moon, could she be? Tintin turned and ran away screaming, Anais sighed and flew after him. Tintin knew that he was being followed so he threw down trash cans and boxes to slow Anais down, one of the boxes hit Anais in the face- this gave Tintin some time to get farther away from her. As soon as the girl regained her balance she looked around to see that the boy was gone. "Jesus christ..." She sighed, she snapped her fingers and with that she disappeared.


Tintin got into his apartment room, he locked up the door and windows. He made sure that no one could get in. Snowy, his dog, let out a confused whimper and stared at the door curiously. Tintin took off his shoes with a sigh, "I need a long warm shower and a good night's sleep-" just as he turned around he saw the girl sitting on his bed, her wings still spread.

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