Chapter 10: It's Not Easy

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The demon pulled out a scroll and handed it to Isabella, she read it once- twice. Her eyes widened, she didn't think that her one little wish would come to this. "I know," The demon smiled, "It's a lot to ask for, but for us demons? It's natural." Isabella gulped and looked at the demon and then at her feet, she didn't know what to do she needed time. 

"Can..." She murmured softly, "Can I at least get some time to think about it?" she looked back up but the demon was gone, maybe she did have some time to think. After all of that Bella walked back to her house. The road was filled with a fair amount of people, children and adults. Bella looked around and took in the scenery, her house was close by. It was a small and light yellow, she entered calmly- she was met with a warm gust of air and happiness, the scent of pork loin wafted throughout the house, it was heaven to her. 

"Isabella?" a motherly voice called from the kitchen, "Isabella is that you, bambino?" there was the sound of pots and pans clanking, water pouring and footsteps running about. Isabella waltzed farther into the house, taking everything in, home. "Isabella?"

"Sì mamma!" the girl called out, she felt a warm body rub against her ankle. Her cat, it was greeting her happily, "Buongiorno," she smiled as she picked up the little creature, "How are you today senior Caffè?" she asked the cat. It meowed happily and the girl giggled, her mother, Signora Venicci, came from the kitchen with her apron on. She smiled. 

Isabella placed the cat down and ran to hug her mother, the two embraced happily. Just as Isabella thought everything would be alright, Anais popped out from the kitchen- a piece of bread in her mouth- Isabella was mortified, "What's she doing here?" she asked her mother as she kept her eyes on the angel. Anais waved happily while nibbling on the bread.

 Anais waved happily while nibbling on the bread

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Sig.ra Venicci smiled at both of the girls, "Bambino," she said warmly, "We have been given the honor to take care of The Messenger while she helps us." she gently pulled Anais over so the two girls could meet properly. Bella forced a smile and stared at the emotionless angel, did she know what she did? Anais continued to stare blankly. Bella rolled her eyes and tapped Anais's shoulder, "Hey." she sighed. Anais snapped out and smiled, waving her hand gently to say a greeting. Sig.ra Venicci told the two girls where the angel would stay that night and all that, if Anais needed anything she knew what to do and who to called.

Later, Bella showed Anais the room she was going to be sleeping in. Unfortunately the room was Bella's and Anais was going to be living in that room for a couple of days, "You," Bella growled coldly, "You stay on that side." She pointed to the area of the room where Anais would stay, the angel obediently set her things down and set out a few sheets along with some blankets. It was a simple little sleeping area, but Anais wasn't satisfied with this. She plopped onto the blankets and sheets and started rolling around, Bella watched with concern, "What the fuck?" she thought to herself as the angel continued rolling around until there was just a ball of sheets and blankets in front of the human girl. Anais popped her head out and sighed happily, "Nice and warm." She smiled, turns out she was making a blanket nest...Or...Hive- Bella sighed and started to head to the door

"So," Anais started, "You don't seem very happy, what's wrong?" she tilted her head. Bella turned around and looked at the little angel, she didn't know about the whole demon thing or whatnot? Anais rocked back and forth, patiently waiting for a reply.

"Well," Bella scratched her head, "My father, he was abusive you see?" Anais nodded in understanding and listened to the girl's story. 

Bella's father, Romero Venicci, was a drunk and an addict. He never really had a heart for anyone except Flora Gama, the town's flower seller, she was a pretty little face and an innocent soul. Romero told her all the things she wanted to hear, made her feel wanted and happy, gave her time and all those things. Eventually the two got married, their relationship was going pretty well... for a while. Flora had noticed that Romero had been coming home late and drunk as hell after 3 years of their marriage, this was when Isabella was just 1 year old, Romero would always talk to other women in the town and would "never have time" for Flora and Bella. Years went by, Bella was now at the age of 3- her father was still out and getting drunk, probably having an affair with another woman, one night he came home stoned and wasted. Flora confronted him, she was upset that he'd been gone and drunk and how this behavior would effect their child, he paid no heed to her and just stumbled into the room Bella was in. Flora followed frantically, she heard the screams of the young child, Romero repeatedly hit the child- leaving several bruises. Flora tried to stop him but only got struck by the man she loved. 
This continued, years after years, until Bella turned 13- that was a year ago- Bella was fed up with her father's antics and behavior, she despised his soul and the way he wouldn't even give a single fuck about her or her mother. She ran to the well one day, upset and crying, her thoughts were welling up inside of her. She clutched her arm, it was bleeding just a bit, her father had cut her with a piece of broken glass, it stung. She cried while she took water from the well to clean her wound, she heard her father's voice and her mother crying. Romero was bolting out of the house with a suitcase, he was leaving.... 

"That was the last I saw of him." Bella said flatly, Anais's eyes were wide and she had no words. She fiddled her fingers, silence was all that could be heard. Bella slowly waltzed out the door, since there was nothing to be said then there was no purpose staying...

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