Chapter 2: The Heck?

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Anais looked around in a daze, she saw the blood all over her hands, "I had another fit..." She said flatly, the doctor took leave. Amelia and Randal looked at her and hugged her softly, they were relieved that their daughter was alright, "Ana," Randal spoke softly, "Are you alright? I mean, mentality wise?" The girl stared at him blankly, she didn't know if she was alright or not. Was she unstable? Was she fine? Her chest hurt but the beating stopped, she gently pulled open the drawer of her nightstand and yanked a little lead cross from it. It was cold to the touch but smooth, "Mom, dad," She sighed, "You know how I'm..." she couldn't finish.

"Yes Anais," Amelia responded quickly, "The curse will be starting soon...And you'll be-"

"The messenger...." Anais clenched her teeth together, "I know, I'm not human, I was just borne of a human..." she was quiet for a moment, she felt as if everything was a curse... 

Once the moon in the night sky shines blue then it is time the curse will be due, when the fog smells of rose water and the air feels like the hands of death enveloping all of humanity, then shall the curse be upon all mankind. During this time shall a savior be sent down to save those who seek fit and to destroy all evil. Humanity will never be the same again. 

"I don't want to be the one to strike down unworthy humans mother! I don't want to!" she grasped her mother tightly and cried, this wasn't what she wanted but it had to be done. The curse, what was it anyways? Demons coming onto earth, corruption, lust, bloodlust and fear. A messenger will intervene to save those who wish to be saved....


The sun was setting, everyone was still on edge, no one was going to sleep that one. The sun was almost out of the sky, everyone was either walking- well more like running home or going to consult the nearest priest. Tintin was walking back to his apartment, he stared at the sky, he could see just 15% of the sun. Night was coming and it was coming quick. He continued walking until he bumped into a girl. "Oh," he said after he fell on the sidewalk, "Pardon me-" He looked in front of him to see a girl with short blue hair. "Here," he stood up and extended his hand for her, "Let me help you." The girl, in a daze, looked up at him with curiosity.

"Thank you." She said as she took his hand, it was warm and gentle to the touch but harsh and strong. "Sorry for bumping into you." she said curtly and quickly walked away, what a peculiar girl. Tintin noticed that she wasn't walking in the direction of a residential area nor an area with a church, "Wait!" he called out to her, "Miss where are you going?" She was gone. Tintin shrugged it off uneasily and wandered back to his apartment, it was quiet, the captain wasn't around. Tintin sighed and set his stuff down, it was a long and grueling day, he needed a warm shower and a good night's sleep. He peered out his window to see that the moon was up. When the moon in the night sky shines blue then it is time the curse will be due. The moon was blue! Tintin ran up to the window to have a look outside, everything seemed fine, he let out a sigh when he realized that the night was just as mundane as ever.

Tintin turned away from the window and started walking towards the bathroom when he suddenly heard a shrill scream from outside. It has started...

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