15 | Accidents

145 22 7

Male | Female
Main character | Secondary character

"Accidents can help put two and two together,"


"-and I don't understand. He-he completely stepped out of the line."

"Princess? You okay?"

"I knew he was messed up in his head, but we broke up. He should've left me alone, he had no right to do what he did."

"Did you butt dial me?"

"Listen, Trudy, I'm sure it's not that serious-"

"He forced himself on me!"

"Woah... "

"And it's only a matter of time before he takes my virginity away."

"You should tell someone."

"I'm telling you. My sister."

"No. You should tell mom or dad. They need to know what's going on because this can escalate so fast."

"They won't believe me. They'll send me away to Grandma Rose again."

"This is private family business. I'm gonna... Bye."

Beep. Beep.

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