33 | Secrets and Trust (part two)

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Jeremy | Trudy

"When you trust someone, you find yourself blurting your secrets."


"Sandra, my sister, is an oblivious bitch. She had bullied me for as long as I remember, which is the reason I'm so messed up the way I am today. That's where Justin comes in. He saw my insecurities and he took advantage of them."


"Don't interrupt my thoughts, Jeremy. I hardly organized them."


"He was the perfect boyfriend; caring, sweet, thoughtful, but he had another side of him. A side of him that was so toxic and dangerous. He started off by making racist jokes about my skintone, then he became too clingy and controlling. He would angrily snap whenever I tried breaking up with him. He wouldn't leave me until I pretended you were my boyfriend."

"He's a jerk."

"He did leave me alone for a while, but he eventually came back like he always does. He threatened me and forced himself on me, saying horrible things. Then it escalated quickly from there."

"I'm afraid he had scarred you for life."

"He had. I don't think I will be able to trust anyone anymore."

"Do you trust me?"



"We're getting there,"

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