19 | Roses

148 21 16

Male | Female
Main character | Secondary character

"Life is not all roses."


"Why are you calling me at three in the morning?"

"Your voice is so nice."

"Is that a compliment? I hardly get those from you."

"I like how you are so open minded and wise."

"Thank you,"

"Sometimes you sound old though, you remind me of my grandpa. Ah! You're not grandpa, are you?"

"Are you drunk?"

"I missed you grandpa. I liked your Christmas present last year."

"What did he get you?"

"But I'm not getting one this year, am I? They don't have mail in the sky, do they?"

"Is he... I'm so sorry."

"That's ra-racist,"

"Stop giggling and hiccuping like that. You stole my joke. Big deal."

"Grandpa, you're dead, aren't you?"

"Is that why you're drunk?"


"Why are you drunk then?"

"Because of Justin,"


"No! Timberlake."

"Funny. Not really though,"

"Justin is my ex-boyfriend."

"Oh, what did he do? Did he hurt you?"

"Thanks to him, I won't have to keep my self-control anymore."

"He didn't..."

"Goodnight, grandpa."

Beep. Beep.

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