16 | Minority

152 21 16

Male | Female
Main character | Secondary character

"What applies to the majority doesn't, necessarily, apply to the minority."


"My Rescuer, are you gay?"

"What gave you that impression?"

"Last time, when I called you gay, you didn't deny it."

"So? That doesn't mean anything."

"Usually, when I question guys' sexuality, they get defensive."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"You're a guy?"

"Do you want honesty?"

"Duh - unless it's not what I want, obviously."

"Oh, are you attracted to me?"

"Don't avoid the question and answer me."

"Okay, okay. In all honesty, I still don't know my sexuality."

"What do you mean you still don't know your sexuality?"

"I don't have the enough experience. Besides, I'm too young for that anyways."

"I'm conflicted..."

"There's nothing to be conflicted about. I'm certain that I'm attracted to girls, but I'm not sure if I'm straight or bi yet."

"You're a virgin, aren't you?"

"That has nothing to do with anything,"

"It's okay to be a virgin. It means you have some serious self-control. I'm a virgin too."

"I know,"

"You do? I'm that much transparent?"

"Uh, yeah."

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