30 | Regret

126 20 3

Male | Female | In Between
Main character | Secondary character

"Learn how to fix your regrets,"


"I'm sorry for last time. I took the chance of you speaking your mind and did the same. I promise you to never take you off guard like that."

"Don't worry about it, Trudy."

"Whoa, what happened to your voice?"

"It would be better this way. We'll pretend I'm older, and nothing would be awkward or confusing."

"No, Dude. What you're doing right now is confusing. Give me my little Jeremy back."

"But I thought-"

"I don't care about your age, or how you look like. You're my friend, who gets me and understands me, which is more than I can ask for."

"Thanks, Trudy, for accepting me."

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