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The end!

The story is officially over. I would like to thank all the people who voted and commented on my chapters. Your feedback and criticism uplifted my mood.

And to those of you who went back and voted: I love you.

The story was inspired by cliches. I always wondered why do the main characters always end up together? And why, is dialing a random number, would always connect you to The One, your Knight In Shining Armor, and your Prince Charming?

(Hypocritical, I know.)

What have you thought of the story? What was your favorite chapter? What did you like best of the characters? What do you think of the pace and the plot? Leave me your feedback and criticism here. You'll make me very happy.

If you have any questions, ask them here.

My genuine gratitude to whoever stuck around till the end. Thank you for reading.

remember, this is a spin-off / sequel to D.I.C.K, now completed and available on my profile. do check it out!

 do check it out!

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Rescue Call (D.I.C.K Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now