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I just wanted to say it's gonna be in random order

from the cast to characters and yeah random shizzle


Jonathan Byers x Reader

Summary: first christmas with Jonathan
Warnings: lots of fluff
Word Count: 1.3k

It was the morning of christmas eve and here you were, about to enter Jonathan's house. To say you were worried about spending the weekend here was an understatement, you were terrified. Stopping before you could even reach the front of the property, you sighed, making him turn around to look at you. His tender eyes met your concerned ones, which should've calmed you down, but made you feel small instead. Jonathan was a caring, warm boy and maybe he was just doing this out of pity for your unlucky self.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to be here?" Your gaze dropped to your shoes the moment the words came out of your mouth, feeling ashamed to ask that question yet again. Taking a few steps towards you, Jonathan smiled while taking a hold of your hands, intertwining his fingers with yours, rocking them back and forth while he spoke.

"Why wouldn't it be okay?" he said with that beautiful voice of his, making you feel silly for even thinking about this. Not being able to lift your gaze due to your nervousness, your eyes went straight to your rocking hands in an attempt to calm you down and speak again.

"I mean, we've been going out for only a couple of weeks and this is a family holiday and-" you words got cut off by the sudden movement of his hands going to cup your face so you could look at him while the two of you talked. The moment his skin made contact with yours, he smiled, softening his gaze even more if that was humanly possible.

"N/A, you're family now. The moment I asked you to be my girlfriend you got a free pass for every holiday, besides, I'm not going to send you home to an empty house". His words made you smile, the worry in your heart getting a little lighter. He had a point, if he hadn't told you to come home for christmas you would've spent the weekend in your sofa, curled up in a blanket with a popcorn bowl between your legs. You were used to this, your parents could never make it home for the holidays. They worked in Hawkins Hospital and they liked to help around the ER during the holidays, which unfortunately didn't include you. Although you didn't mind, sometimes you got lonely, so when Jonathan asked, you immediately said yes, regret washing over you the moment he turned his back at you, which led to this particular situation.

"What about your mom? And your little brother?" the moment he heard you say those words, he starting caressing your cheeks with his thumb as he spoke softly at you, snow starting to fall and pile up around you.

"My mom told me to please bring you home. She was worried about letting you spend one of the most beautiful nights of the year all alone. And Will? He was actually the one who suggested you spend the entire weekend with us". You were in awe at his words, you couldn't believe his family was worried about you. The expression your features showed made him chuckle, but he continued anyways, "but if it makes feel more at ease, they're not home right now. They went grocery shopping for tonight". You smiled at his reassuring words and put your hands on top of his, silently thanking the world for giving you more time to prepare.


Upon entering his house, you two had ended up cuddling on top of his bed, a blanket covered your shoulders in an attempt to battle the cold and the mixtape Jonathan had made for the occasion could be heard in the background. He was lying on his back and you were on top of him, using his upper body as a pillow. While he played with your hair in a slow motion, you focused on listening to his beating heart, capable of soothing your uneasy mind.

After half an hour or so, his hand stopped moving and you could tell he had fallen asleep. You took the opportunity to stare at his face, smiling to yourself, "how did I get so lucky" was all you could think, only when he suddenly answered your question you realized you had actually whispered the words.

"That's what I should be asking you" you froze at his words,, embarrassed he had actually heard that. Opening his eyes, he stared at you, gaze so intense you could swear he found out all your secrets right there and then.

You stayed like that for a while, staring at each other's eyes. It seemed as if time had stopped and you two were the only thing that mattered. Slowly but surely, Jonathan started to lean forward and you did the same, until your faces were inches apart, only a whisper away from touching each other's lips. You could actually feel his heart beating faster in anticipation.

And then it happened. His lips landed on yours in one swift motion, moving slowly as if to match the rhythm of the background music. His hands went from your hair to your waist, pushing your body to him trying to feel you even closer. Once your hands had reached his hair, the kiss deepened, his once tender lips became hungrier, desperate. You felt like you were floating, head spinning as his hands started caressing your body. You couldn't breathe, but neither of you seemed to care, the way your bodies melted in each other's touch far more important.

Dazed as you two were, you failed to hear the front door opening followed by Joyce entering the house with Will right behind her.

"Jonathan? Y/N?". Joyce's voice was not enough to break the moment you two were immersed in, still kissing each other as if this were the last day of your lives. Jonathan was now on top of you, your legs wrapped around his body in an attempt to bring him as close to you as you could; arms wrapped around his neck. That was until a knock on the bedroom's door bursted your love bubble, startling you both. Panting for air, you looked at Jonathan, cheeks flushed and messy hair included.

"Are you guys in there? I can hear the music" Oh no. You blushed and Jonathan chuckled, looking at you with a loving face. You bit your bottom lip and pushed him off you, trying to fix your hair and your now wrinkled shirt. He mimicked your actions and got up, looking back at you, "You ready?" he whispered. You mumbled a shy "Yes" and got up to stand beside him. So much for calming down.

"Thank god Joyce likes me" You thought.

Christmas was going to be fun this year.

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