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                                                                            Charlie Heaton x Reader

                                                                                    Words: 1,366

Loud music pumps through the floorboards, people cheer raising their cups when the chorus of the song screams through the speakers, you can't help but join along. You lost Camryn hours ago, she fled your side within minutes of arriving to the scene, promising she'd be back when she was ready to go. You didn't mind, it was freeing being away from your roommate, even if it was only for a few hours.

You mingle with strangers, holding meaningless conversations to pass the time. Some offer to refill your drink, you kindly decline each time content with the light buzz your first drink provided. You laugh along with a small crowd as some blonde girl told a story, you weren't paying much attention. You feel as if eyes were on you, lingering from afar. You scan unfamiliar faces until you lock eyes with a handsome man across the room.

His eyes burn into yours causing your breath to hitch in your throat. You try to tear your eyes away from his fixed gaze, he caught your attention. Maybe it was the fact he was dressed in your favorite color and it suited him well, maybe you'll never know. You stand, unable to move as he pushes himself off the wall and towards you, a smirk forming on his lips.

"Hello," He breathes through a thick accent, finally reaching you. He pulls out a scribbled napkin from his pocket, gently pushing it into your hands.

"What's this?" You inquire at the strange man. A series of numbers are written on the flimsy paper.

"Love at first sight," He chuckles, keeping a small distance between your bodies, "It exists." Laughter escapes your chests, he flashes a dazzling smile that could've swept you off your feet if you let it. A deep blush creeps to your cheeks as you break the stare for a short moment.

A hand yanks you out of the intense moment, "Y/N, you won't believe who's here!" Camryn shouts over the music earning the attention from you and the stranger, "Oh! Oh god, I'm so sorry!" Her eyes are wide as she looks between you and the man.

"It's quite alright," He laughs, "I was just leaving," He announces before averting his attention back to you, "I hope to hear from you soon," He nods towards the paper in your hand. With a spin on his heel, he was gone just as quick as he came.

"He's British!" Camryn screeches beside you, "Come on, let's go. I want to hear everything." She grabs your hand and pushes you towards your parked car suddenly disinterested in the party that still rages on.

You sit behind the wheel, igniting the engine that roars with ease. You can't help but grin when you glance back at the party knowing he's still there. How can you already feel something so strong towards a nameless man? He left no trace of identity on the napkin besides the ten digits.

"So," Camryn drags, "When are you going to call him?" Excitement fills her speech as she talks.

"I don't know," You sigh earning an eye roll from your best friend, "I just, what is this? This is crazy right? Love, at first sight, can't exist," You speak out loud, mainly to yourself. "I've gotten hurt so many times before, I walk through empty doors and I just, I can't go through that again." Camryn shrugs.

"I think you're scared," She confesses, "Not everyone is going to treat you like he did. Let yourself fall, believe in 'love at first sight' even if it's only for one night. It's okay to be scared, but it's not okay to live your life in fear," Camryn reaches over the console to give your leg a comforting pat, "What are you going to do?" She questions. The car fills with silence as you think of an answer.

"If I see him in my dreams tonight, I'll know that he was right and I'll call him in the morning." It was a rather stupid idea, but the truth is you didn't know how to feel towards the stranger, for all you know he could be a psychotic murderer.

"You're making up excuses," She points out, "If you don't want to call him, don't. Simple as that."

You crawl into the warm sheets, quietly turning out the bedside lamp. Your eyes flutter closed awaiting to drift into unconsciousness. But sleep never comes. You're haunted by the stranger, his face is there every time your eyes fall shut. His smile is burned into the back of your eyelids, his accent bounces around in your head.

Maybe the two of you will meet once again in a different dimension. Here, he'll tell you all the things he didn't mention, stories about his childhood, how he got the scar on his right arm, how he came up with the name for his dog when he was seven. Here, he'd share his secrets meant only for your ears, why he can't sleep without background noise, why he panics when his sister calls past nine o'clock. He'd unravel himself before you, he'd fall in love, he'd be the one.

You're so tempted to reach for the phone and dial the number you set beside it. You hold your ground and somehow, you manage to fall asleep.

He stands just a few feet in front of you in the midst of the blank world around you, hands in his pockets. He's smiling, still clothed in the shirt you met him in. Slowly, he removes his hands from the pockets and wraps them around your own. "I've been waiting for you," He admits calmly, searching your eyes.

"Me too," You laugh.

You stare at the blue numbers, your leg bounces anxiously as nerves swell inside you. Slowly, you punch in the numbers onto the keypad and without a second thought, you push the call button. The line rings three times before the silence is broken with a scratchy hello. The voice puts you at ease, it's been running through your mind since last night.

"Um, hi," You clear your throat awkwardly, unsure how to make conversation, "I met you briefly at the party last night," You explain.

"Oh!" His voice instantly perks up at the recognition, "The beautiful mystery girl,"

"Yeah," You smile, "Yeah, I guess that's me." Warmth creeps up your neck and to your cheeks at his flattering compliment. "Sorry, I don't mean to be awkward, I just felt like you deserved a call." Camryn peaks her head out of her room, eyes wide. You grin, answering the question bobbing around in her head. She squeals quietly, tiptoeing towards you until she could hear his side of the conversation.

"No, no it's okay!" He cheers, "Would you like to meet me somewhere? Maybe have a coffee, I'd love to get to know you more." Camryn's head snaps up, nodding vigorously answering the question for you.

"I'd like that."

An hour later you find yourself strolling into the coffee shop in the middle of town. You stand behind fellow customers, not seeing the mystery boy in view. After a few moments, you're pulled from your thoughts by a tap on the shoulder. You turn around becoming face to face with the man who captured your dreams the night before.

"I don't believe we've officially met," He begins, holding out his hand for you to take, "I'm Charlie," His hand is soft as you take it in your own.

"Y/N," You beam, holding onto his hand longer than necessary, Charlie didn't seem to care.

"Finally, a lovely name to a lovely face." The two of you take your seats after you order, your lips break into a smile before speaking, "You were right," You blurt, his eyes furrow in confusion not following your statement, "Love at first sight exists."

"And why do you say that?" He challenges, leaning back in his chair, awaiting your answer.

"I saw you in my dreams last night, I told myself that if you were in my dreams I'd call you and, well," You gesture around the coffee shop with your hand, "Here we are."

"Here we are,"

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