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                                                                  FINALLY HAPPY || WILL BYERS IMAGINE

                                                                                      Words: 1455

You were glad that for once everything was back to normal. Will was back, the demogorgon was gone and for that moment you were happy. When Will was taken by that monster you couldn't function properly. Your best friend was gone and who knows if he was safe or not. You couldn't live with yourself if he died. You just couldn't.

You shook that thought out of your head and tried paying attention to the teacher but you couldn't. Kids around you would snicker and point at Will saying mean shit about him. And that pissed you off. You wanted to punch anyone who talks crap about Will.

"God what the hell happened to zombie boy. Gross." The girl behinds you giggle along with her friends. You rolled your eyes trying so hard not to curse at them. "Just look at him, coming from the dead messed him up." The girl sneered, "he's always messed up anyways."

You turned your head to look at the girl with a disgusting look on your face. "Dont talk like that about Will you asshole." You snapped at the girl. The girl had a smirk on her face that you wish you could've wiped it off. "You talk shit like that again i wont hesitate to beat you up." And with that you turned around, not wanting to hear anything anything else that the girl might say.

Suddenly the bell ring and you quickly packed your bag, leaving the classroom immediately. You wanted to get few things before going to the arcade with Max. You walked towards your locker to see Will waiting for you there.

"Hey you dork." You greeted him with a teasing smile. You opened your locker and start putting some stuff in it. "Don't call me that." Will replied and you glanced at him, shaking your head.

"I'm going to the arcade with Max, would you like to come? I think the other dorks would also be there." You told him while closing your locker, leaning on it so you can talk with Will.

He was about to answer when a group of kids walked by calling Will names and laughing at him. You can see Will shifting uncomfortably and playing with his backpack while avoiding your gaze. You sighed and looked around to see other kids looking.

"I feel like such a freak." Will mumbled under his breath, probably didn't mean for you to hear it but you did. Your heart hurts when he said that so you held his hand and pulled him away to somewhere where you two could be alone. You were still holding hands when you got outside so you quickly pulled your hand away, a blush creeping up on both your faces.

"Will, you should not listen to what those assholes are saying about you because none of that is true." You stated. "And so what if you're a freak? Who the hell wants to be normal, huh? No one! Normal is boring, being normal means you're just like anyone else and Will Byers you are nothing like those people."

You saw Will starting to slowly smile and you couldn't help but smile too. "I like you the way you are and i think you're one of the coolest and bravest kid i have ever met." You reassured him and he nodded his head.

"Thank you y/n, that actually means a lot." He replied and you pulled him in a hug. You would always be there for Will. After all that shit he went through no way in hell would you leave him for himself. "Well i'm going to the arcade so see you later."

After you left Will stood there with the biggest cheesiest smile on his face. He always knew you were special, but now he knows you're more than that. He couldn't help but think you were beautiful and the fact that you cared for him made his little heart swell with joy.

Will always had a crush on you for as long as he can remember. He never did something about it because he valued your friendship a lot and... because he's really shy. He knew he should tell you how he feels before it eats him away. But he couldn't just go up to you and say 'hey Y/N i had the longest crush on you and i just wanted to tell you so please be mine?' Oh god no he couldn't do that. So he went to seek help from his other friends. Obviously his friends weren't much help. They all came up with really ridiculous yet stupid ideas. One of them was that he should sing his affection to her. But Will decided that a putting notes in your locker would do the job.

You got to school early hoping that you could hang a bit with Will before school starts but to no avail you didn't find him. You slowly walked towards your locked dreading this day. When you opened your locker you noticed a little yellow note fall down to the floor. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and you slowly bend down to get it.

You put your bag on the floor and turned the note over so you could read what was on it.

"I can't say that I love you; I am still too young and naive to truly know what it means to be in love, but whenever i'm with you, you make my heart whole again."

You smiled at the note and you looked around to see from who this mysterious note came from, but little did you know that Will was looking at you from afar with a smile on his face when he saw your reaction towards his note. And he knew that he should continue doing that everyday. And that's exactly what he did.

Everyday for the past two weeks when you opened your locker a note would fall on the floor and each day there was a different writing on it. Some times it was sweet and other times they were funny. At the beginning you wanted to know so badly who this secret admirer was so you can thank them for this sweet gesture. But now it couldn't be more obvious that it was the one and only Will Byers.

You started noticing that it was him who was leaving all these notes for you. He would always stare at you waiting for you to open your locker and when you finished reading the note with a smile, he would have a smile on his face too. And because he signed one of them with his name.

You would be lying if you said you didn't feel anything for Will. I mean it was obvious everyone knew, even Eleven knew you liked him. The day he went missing was the worst day of your life. And when you found out that that thing took him, you couldn't stop crying and ever since that day you knew Will wasn't the same.

You waited for him to come up to you and confess his feelings but he never did. He just watched you from afar and to be honest, you were getting sick and tired of it. If Will wasn't going to confess then maybe you should do it. And you would do it today.

The bell ring snapping you out of your thoughts and you gather your stuff and bolted towards the door. Now is the time. Go up to him and tell him, easy peasy. And that's exactly what you did. You went outside, glancing around the courtyard before your eyes fell on him. You took a deep breath and walked towards the group of boys.

"Will." You called out to him. He looked over at you and before he can sau anything you grabbed his face and pressed your lips onto his. Your heart was beating fast, your hands were clammy and everything was awkward but you didn't care at all. You were happy.

You pulled away with a smile on your face and he was blushing red. "Finally you two did something." Dustin yelled and you rolled your eyes at him. Everyone else was cheering and laughing.

"I wanted to kiss you for so long." He admitted and you leaned in and gave him a peck on his lips.

"I know." You whispered, a smile spreading on both your faces.

"We should hang out after school at my house alright?" Will asked and you nodded your head. Your friends were all teasing the two of you but you didn't care. After every shit you went through for once you were finally happy.

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