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Dustin Henderson x reader


It was a well known fact that (Y/n) (L/n) was the most popular girl in school. Unlike the people she hung out with, who she refused to call real friends, (Y/n) was a very kind person. People would catch her talking with those who didn't have many friends in the halls, or even sitting by them in class. She was insanely gorgeous and lived in Loch Nora, but never did this get to her head as it did the others.

It was a well known fact that Dustin Henderson had a huge crush on her, to his friends at least. He never told them, but unknowingly made it very obvious. Even Max figured it out when she first got here.

Steve's tips had given Dustin confidence. He planned on asking (Y/n) to dance tonight. Any other day he would have dismissed the idea as crazy, in fact he had avoided asking her to the dance for this reason, but Steve told him to go for it.

He walked in, greeting Mr. Clarke and Nancy before finding his friends, who immediately asked what was up with his hair. He swatted them away "What do you mean what's wrong with my hair? There's no bird nesting in here asshole, okay? I worked hard."

Before they could respond, a slow song filled the gym and couples gathered in the middle. Lucas turned to Max and stutteringly put some statements together, which she knew to mean that he wanted to dance with her. She dragged him out, rolling her eyes in the process. A girl from their class came to ask Will to dance, calling him zombie boy jokingly, and Mike pushed him over.

Dustin began scanning the room for any sign of (Y/n), getting on his toes to see further. After spending a few minutes searching, he lost hope, and turned to where her friends all stood across from him. "Wish me luck Mike. I'm going in" he clicked his tongue and walked over.

It took him a few tries to get Stacy's attention, and when he did, he simply held out his hand, implying that he wanted to dance "Shall we?"

She chuckled "Um, no, thanks." Her friends laughed as well before they all walked off. He noticed two other girls standing near him, but when they noticed him walking over, they quickly walked away.

Dustin went to sit down, unaware of a very pretty girl walking in, who was soon approached by her giggling friends. She glanced at Dustin, a smile disappearing from her face when she saw how sad he looked. She excused herself from the others, who rolled their eyes and went back to the original conversation.


The last thing that Dustin expected was to look up and see (Y/n) (L/n) standing above him with a smile on her face. He wiped his tears quickly "H-hey"

"Wanna dance?"

Dustin looked up wearing a shocked expression "What?"

She just sighed, and grabbed his arm, pulling him up "Come on. Let's go."

It seemed like everyone was staring at him. He knew many were shocked to see him dancing with (Y/n) (L/n) of all people. In fact, he was just about as shocked as they were. She told him to step closer, and he almost fainted, but soon found himself getting more comfortable.

(Y/n) was aware of her "friends" looking at them. "I'm sorry about them" she broke their silence "they can be real fucking assholes and not even care."

"I-it's fine"

"No, it's not. They shouldn't treat people the way they do. They think they're better than everyone else for some reason." she sighed "Sorry, I just needed to get that off my chest."

"Thanks for dancing with me, by the way, it's nice just to talk to someone."

She smiled "Well, I was hoping you would ask me to the dance earlier, but it seems it all worked out."

Dustin looked at her in disbelief "You wanted... Really?"

She chuckled "Yup"

For the rest of the night they talked about things such as Star Wars and D & D, some things Dustin never thought she would enjoy. When the dance was over, he ended up asking if she wanted to go to the arcade with him sometime. For the first time in awhile, she smiled genuinely "I wouldn't miss it for the world"

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