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i am freaking in love with this imagine

                                                                              Finn Wolfhard x reader

                                                                                       words: a lot

You and Finn have been best friends for almost two years now. You guys first met on the set of Stranger Things and since then you have been inseparable. You guys got a long so well that sometimes people mistake you two as a couple. You and Finn are aware of the fans shipping you two and you honestly didn't mind because well, you like Finn. I mean, what's not to like about him anyway? He's sweet, caring, and kind. What more could you want?

Millie was the first one to notice that you liked Finn. You didn't know how because you made sure to not be obvious about it. Millie was great at reading people, she considered it as one of her talents. She always pushed you to tell Finn about your feelings for him because she believes that Finn felt the same way. You didn't believe that though, it was crazy. How could Finn Wolfhard like you? It was just too wild so you constantly brushed that idea away whenever it came up.

After promoting season two of Stranger Things, you and the rest of the cast were given a break. Finn invited you to spend the break with him in Vancouver to which you happily accepted.

"Can you get your foot off of my face? Gosh you dick." You said jokingly as you pushed Finn's foot away from your face. You guys were laying opposite from each other on Finn's bed, just hanging out and talking about random things.

"You're so rude." Finn replied as he continued to place his foot on your face.

"Says the person constantly placing their foot on my face." You rolled your eyes playfully as you continued to push Finn's foot away.

"Hey I know," Finn suddenly bolts up and sits down, "We should do a livestream! We can sing together and answer questions!" Finn smiled as he proposed his idea to you.

"I'm okay with livestreaming, but can we not sing? I don't even sing well." You said you continue to lay down on Finn's bed. Finn loves the way you sing, he's been trying to get you to sing with an audience, but you weren't so keen to the idea. That doesn't stop him from suggesting it every once in awhile though.

"Oh come on, Y/N! You sing great, I wouldn't be constantly bothering you to sing if you weren't good!" Your best friend said as he shook your leg, "Come on pleaaasssseee?"

"Fine, just one song though." You say as you sit up.

Finn smiled so widely which caused you to smile too, his smile was contagious.

"That's enough for me." Finn got out of his bed to go get his guitar. You grabbed your phone which was placed on Finn's night stand and opened Instagram. In a few minutes, Finn was back with his guitar. He then sits beside you and you give him your phone. Finn quickly switches out of your account to his account and he then starts the livestream. Viewers rolled in the stream in no time. He then places your phone on his nightstand so he didn't have to hold it during the stream.

"Hey guys so, Y/N and I decided to livestream because we're bored and guess whattttt." Finn said and comments saying "What" started pouring in. "Y/N and I are going to be taking song requests so go ahead and request!"

"Uhm requests? I thought we agreed on doing only one song?"

"Sorry nope, change of plans Y/N, we're singing our heart out today." Finn said with a teasing wink which made you roll your eyes.

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