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A double for Christmas!! Merry Christmas you guys. I love all of you so much and hope that you all have fantastic days. I'm so so thankful for all of you. I love you
Mitch cackles as he races around the house placing mistletoe on every surface he could reach. He places one on the top off their door, so that everyone who entered their house had to kiss. He places one in arch of the kitchen door because why not? He even places one on his door, in hopes of getting a kiss from one of his single friends.

The door bursts open and a blond walks in. "Mitchy I'm home." Scott sings out and looks at the decorations. "Mistletoe. Nice." He walks over to Mitch who is still standing under the Mistletoe in his doorway and gently pecks his cheek. Mitch blushes and hides his face behind his hands. Scott pulls his hands away from face and tugs him. "Come on Mitch. We need to decorate."

Half an hour later the house is decorated and friends have started to arrive. First in the door were Mark and Mason. Mitch pointed up to mistletoe and said "Pucker up girls." Mark and Mason laughed as they gently grabbed each other by the waist and shared a sweet kiss. Mitch awww'd at the sight, even though his heart ached because he had no one to kiss.

The next pair to arrive was Kirstie and Nicole. They looked up at the mistletoe and planted a small kiss on each others cheek. Matt arrived by himself so Mitch planted a kiss on his head. Matt laughed and kissed Mitch's head in return. "You look good Mitchy." He said with a wink. Mitch blushed and surveyed his outfit. He'd went with the backless sweater and jeggings. He did look good if he said so himself. Kevin was the last one to arrive. "Hiya Mitchy." The gorgeous man greeted the other gorgeous man. Mitch tapped his lips, indicating he wanted a kiss.

Kevin looks puzzled, and then his eyes widened as he sees the mistletoe and then grins as he kisses the top of Mitch's head. "Merry Christmas." He greets as he walks into the house. Mitch walks in, ready to party. He watches as his friends chat or kiss their significant others softly under the mistletoe, heart filling with love as he looks at all these beautiful people he gets to call friends.

He glances at Scott, who was leaning against the wall talking to Mark and Mason. Mitch's mouth waters because damn!! Scott looks good in a tan turtle neck and black pants. Out of the corner of his eyes he notices Kirstie walk into the kitchen as soon as Matt walks in. They both glance up and blush, but don't make a move. Finally Kirstie grabs Matt and kisses him on the lips. Yass queen. Get it!! Mitch thinks to himself. A cold draft enters the house and Mitch shivers and heads to his room to find something to keep him warm and finds a shrug in his closet.

He turns around and jumps when he sees Scott leaning against the door frame. "Oh god, you scared me." Mitch said, hand on his heart. Mitch walks out of the room, but when he reaches the door he is stopped by large hands gripping his shoulder. "Merry Christmas" Scott whispers before slamming Mitch against the door and kissing him breathless. Mitch groans as Scott's hips start to move against him and his lips travel down his neck, biting and sucking the skin. The familiarity and ease of this routine struck Mitch and he relaxed ; however the memories of last time overwhelmed him. He pushed Scott off of him.

Scott looked horrified and scared, which was not something Mitch wanted. "Are you sure you want this?" Mitch asked, stepping back so that he wasn't distracted by the yummy goodness right in front of him. Scott pulls him closer until their lips meet again. "I want you. So badly." Scott moves his hips again so Mitch can feel just how badly he needs him. This time Scott was the one pushing Mitch off of him. "Are you sure about this?" Scott asked, wanting to know if Mitch was okay with this, or had he ruined everything. Mitch nods because he needs this man with everything he had in him.

Scott picked him up and gently puts him on the bed, preparing for what happens next. The next thing they know is that they're lying next to each other, sweating and panting. "Merry Christmas." Mitch places a kiss in the center of Scott's chest. Scott turns around and places a kiss on Mitch's lips "Merry Christmas." He returns.

He stands up from the bed and Mitch turns a questioning gaze towards him. "We have to get back to the party, honey." Scott said firmly. Mitch whines , as he's tired and sore, but goes downstairs to where they were greeted by teasing and catcalls.

The party finally ends and Mitch retreats into his room. A knock on the door has him looking up and smiling at Scott. "Hey, can we talk?" He asks nervously. Mitch nods and makes space for Scott to sit. "I'm sorry for earlier." Scott apologizes. Mitch tilts his head, confused. What is Scott on about? "What are you going on about?" Scott sighs and says "I'm sorry about sleeping with you." Mitch gapes and asks "Why would you regret that?"

Scott burst out "You did last time." and looks so upset that Mitch's heart clenches. "That doesn't mean I did this time. " Mitch says. Scott looks up. "You didn't?" He asks, trying to make sure this was real. "Absolutely not." Mitch says, reassuring Scott. "So where do you want to go with this? Was it just a one off thing, or do you want more.? Scott asks, confused about the procedure on what to do if you hooked up with a friend who you previously hooked up with. He wishes there was some type of manual or guide that came for these things.

Mitch sighs and tells him "Honey, I'm exhausted right now. Talk tomorrow." Scott nods and wishes him goodnight. Just as he's about to leave Mitch asks "Scotty, stay with me please?" Scott turns and joins Mitch in bed. As soon as Mitch is situated in his arms, he falls fast asleep.

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