Throughout the Years

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Ages: 10

10 year old Scott observes the young brunette boy running around the stage, reciting his lines in a passionate way that no other kid in their CATS class possessed. I need to be friends with him. Scott thought to himself. The two locked eyes and gave each other a smile, before focusing as much as 10 years old could focus. The play finally ended and Scott dashed off the stage in hopes of finding the pretty boy he'd seen earlier. Scott's eyes light up as he spots him.

Scott walks over shyly. "Hi, you're really pretty. You did a great job today. My name's Scott. What's yours?" The boy looked at Scott. "Mitch" he said, shyly looking away. The two kids looked away as a blond woman called for Scott. "Oh, I have to go. Bye Mitch." Scott called as he ran off. Before he left he ran back and placed a kiss on Mitch's cheek. Mitch turned red and touched his cheek where Scott kissed him, staring dreamily after the blond. "Bye Scott."

Ages: 11

"Hey, Scotty?" Mitch asked, getting the attention of his best friend. The scrams and yells of children playing on the playground drifted through the wind. Leaves of red and gold colors floated to the ground and a chilly wind nipped at their nose. "Do your parents ever do that thing where they make their lips touch?" He asked. Scott nodded and Mitch continued, "Why do they do that?" Scott turned to Mitch and explained "Because they love each other." Mitch nodded and kept to himself for a while before he spoke up with a shy look on his face. "Hey, Scotty. I love you." He said, making a duck face. Scott understood what Mitch was asking and made a duck face before quickly touching his lips with Mitch. The bell rang, signalling the end of recess. The two best friends quickly linked hands and ran inside.

Ages: 16

Scott looked down at Mitch who was splayed out, naked and glowing as the sun bathed him in golden light, in the backseat of his Mustang. "Please Scott, please." Mitch begged. He pushed out the thoughts that said this wasn't right, and let his mind be consumed by thoughts of Scott and the relief he offered. "Please. Move." Mitch ordered. Scott slowly started moving carefully, pausing to make sure Mitch was okay. "It's ok." He said, leaning down to kiss Mitch. "I got you."

Ages: Current age.

The past would stay in the past, that much they agreed on. However, the feelings weren't as easy to bury. Mitch couldn't remember when he first started to fall for Scott. All he knew that all of Scott's touches and kisses meant something different to him than it did for Scott. Mitch kept silent, knowing that if he said or did something the friendship they'd fought so hard for would be ruined. He didn't think he could make it alive if he lost their friendship again; he'd barely made it out alive and breathing the first time.

Scott could remember the first time he realized he was in love with Mitch. It was when he was sobbing in his car, watching Mitch walk away from him. It hurt so badly at the time, it felt like he couldn't breathe. With every breath he thought about Mitch. He kept seeing Mitch wherever he went, which made him hurt more. He foolishly thought the feelings would go away, but almost ten years later they still persisted. But he knew Mitch didn't, wouldn't love him like that, so he contented himself with the friendship, glad that he could at least hold and cuddle Mitch again. It wasn't a relationship, but it was the closest thing he had to a relationship with Mitch. He kept silent, not wanting to ruin their friendship.

OK so, I have an announcement. If you guys ship Beau and Mitch, I have a new one shot book of them out right now. I believe that it'll be updated on Fridays. Also this book will end soon. Not right now, but in like a few weeks/ months. Also Today's question: Do you ship Bitch?
A: YES! They are so so adorable and in love and It makes my heart warm. Plus the way that Beau takes care of Mitch and loves him is ugh! I know we are all team SCOMICHE, but I think what matters most is their happiness. And if they find happiness with other people, we have to accept that and be happy for them. 

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