Chapter 5: Meeting

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"Well, Jess, Noah, you know I love you both greatly. I support your relationship! I do. I might think its a bit inappropriate, gross, and foolish. But I'm happy that at the moment my best friend and daughter are happy." my dad said. "Okay, get on with it Jason!" my mom said laughing. Me and Noah both kept a serious look. Not something to be laughing about. "Okay, okay. Noah you know that you don't commit, eventually you will leave this 'cupcake' phase. Then you will cheat, if you haven't already. You will find a new lover, Jess with be in pain for a few months, you won't really care though, you never care about feelings." he said laughing. Noah had an amused look on his face. Why does he look happy? I'm not at all. "Yes, so we are thinking it's best for you to move back into your dad's now, I mean feel free to still go on dates and see each other periodically, text and call, just call off the dating!" my mom said happily. "Ahh, Jenners you want me and Jess to be friends with benefits?" Noah asked raising his eyebrow at them. "Well, yeah.. I guess you could say that! Jason have you gave her the sex talk.. maybe we should really quick." my mom said whispering the last part. Oh my god. No. "Ahh! Nope! Stop! Too late for that guys." I said turning red. "Yuck. Let's not. So, yeah.. friends. Leave out that benefit crap." my dad mumbled. "Absolutely not." Noah said with no hesitations. "What do you mean... See honey, just let them have the benefits! We were going somewhere with the sex involved, but once you said no sex, just friends, Noah objects. That should be a warning sign for you also Jess!" my mom practically shouted. "Shut up. Seriously, just stop yapping, you're acting like Elizabeth and I can't take it. Listen, I'm not breaking up with her, she can move out and leave if she wants. But I'm pretty happy. I have no intentions on leaving her, I love her. It honestly has nothing to do with the sex, we haven't had sex in a long... long, time. Besides, she's addicted to having sex with me, she can't just simply stop. I bet right now she would much rather be upstairs with me." Noah said with a smirk. He's such an ass. But.. it's true. I'm not addicted though! "Noah stop! Jess, come on, let's go home!" my mom said standing up. "Yeah, I have to go to work so this meeting is indeed done." Noah said standing up and stretching. "I'm not leaving Noah!" I said hugging into his side. He smiled and wrapped his arm around me. "Wanna come to work with me for the day babe?" he asked. "No! Noah! Tell her you don't love her! Tell her to go home. Noah, come on!" my mom squealed. "Jen, let's go home. Goodbye Jess, love you tons. Noah, I'll call you for poker this week bud." my dad said smiling. "What? You want me to just drop all of it!? Babe, he isn't right for her! This is our baby, she needs to come home with us!" my mom shouted. "Yes, drop it and come on. He is fine, Jen, let's go. This isn't are decision." he said grabbing her arm. She sighed and left along with him.

"Well, can't say I'm not surprised that they want you out." Noah said running his hand through his hair. "I'm not addicted to having sex with you Noah." I said changing the subject. "I'm a sex god, so I believe you are?" he questioned. So full of himself. "How many girls have you slept with that work with you?" I asked. I watched as his muscles tensed at my words. I shouldn't have asked that. "Why are you asking me that? Can we drop the sex talk?" he said through his teeth. "Oh, so basically all of them.." I said in a whisper. "Yeah, so what? It's no secret that I have had a lot of women in my life, it started at a young age Jess. I couldn't tell you an exact amount of people. Not everyone is pure, like you." he spit back. "Do you ever think about doing that again with one of them?" I asked. I just need to know. "You want my honesty?" he said harshly. I nodded. "Yes, of course I think about it. Especially when one of them comes into my office with there tight skirts and long legs and they look so mouth watering and I just want to slam them on my desk and do it right there. Of course I think about it, almost every day." I think my heart is hurting a bit. "Do you.. Do you have sex with them?" I choke out. "No! Because you pop up in my head and take away all of those feelings. I fucked a lot of girls, but I never made love to them. I never cared about there feelings or what they wanted. Until I met you. I've only made love to one person, being you. So go ahead, cry, scream, be pissed off about it, go live with your parents, but you should know that I love you." he said standing up and walking upstairs. I can't help but melt at his words, but at the same time I feel so angered. So mad. I just hate him. I stormed up the stairs after him. "Noah! I'm not finished with you!" I shouted. "What? Want me to tell you how many girls I've fucked on this bed? Then I'll tell you how many I've made love to on it!" he growled back. "Stop being a prick! I'm not going to live with my parents! So you're fucking stuck with me. But don't worry, we don't have to be together! Go fuck whoever you want! I'm over it. I definitely don't need you for sex. I could go find anyone. Sean Waters? Evan, your nephew? Tate? Felix? Should I go on?" I said with a cocky smile. He stopped what he was doing instantly. He turned around, and I felt fear... "What the fuck are you saying?" he said through his teeth. I backed up into the wall as he got closer and closer. He slammed his hand on the wall pinning me in. "Don't you ever threaten me again." he whispered harshly against my skin. Before I could say another word and argue back with him, he brought his finger to my lip and shushed me. I felt my face heat up as he slowly left kisses on my collarbones. "Noahh..." I moaned out. I closed my eyes.. but I can imagine the grin on his face. He softly brushed his lips against mine and I eagerly wrapped my arms around him trying to get this going. He kissed my lips once, twice, and pulled away from me. "I have to go to work." He said in a much calmer voice, but he still seems agitated. "What? Noah... I'm sorry. But please don't leave it at that.. You can't do that and then leave me." I said in almost a whine. He sighed and turned away from me and put his dress clothes on. I guess he can. I frowned and sat on the bed, dangling my feet. He turned to face me and frowned at me. "You can come to work with me Jess." he said softly. I stood up and rushed into his arms. "Noah, I love you. I really do." I said against his chest. "I know, I love you just as much baby. I'm sorry, I overreacted.." he whispered. I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. "I did too... just so much going on with my parents.. it's stressing me out. But I do love you Noah, I do. I can't lose you. I want you right now, can't you skip work. Please?" I practically begged. "Jess, honey, no. I can't. But you can come with me, hangout in my office." I couldn't help but think. Sex on his desk. Yes. "Yes! I'll come!" I said happily. Wait... Tate texted me this morning saying he was coming in tonight and wanted to stay with me and Noah. "Okay." he said smiling. "By the way... I kind of told Tate him and his girlfriend could stay with us.." I mumbled. "Oh, okay. I'm surprised you're okay with Taylor staying here." Noah said shaking it off. "Wait, what? Taylor? Your niece Taylor? The annoying one? The one who hates me? That's his girlfriend?!?" I practically shouted. "Yeah, but don't worry. They will probably spend most of there time with my sister, you do know that Evan is her brother right?" he asked. I gasped. "WHAT! WAIT! I THOUGHT HER FAMILY LIVED IN THE UK, THATS WHY SHE LIVES THERE?!?" I shouted. He chucked. "Jess, her dad lives in the UK, Evan stuck with my sister and her new husband, and Taylor went with her dad." Ohh.. Too confusing for me.

Unfortunately it was a boring day at Noah's office. We couldn't have sex, because Angelina made it her mission to come in or call every 5 minutes. Things are still a little bit tense with me and Noah. It bothers me that he has had sex with other girls.. Silly, yes. But ultimately it bothers me. Noah has been sleeping for the past 20 minutes on the couch. He looks so peaceful.. He is an angel, but do I really want this? Forever?

Authors Note:

Shorter chapter! But I wanted to give something... Jess is having second doubts! But is Noah? So much is going to happen. love y'all! thanks for reading, and I love the comments and votes. 😁💞😘

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