Chapter 7: Dreary

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*Jessica's POV*

"Should I stay the night with you?" Evan asked scratching his neck. Ha. "No, go home Evan... wait no, just stay down here.. I'm going to change. I don't want to be alone on my birthday, besides I should get my things together, most of my stuff is still at my dads anyways." I say softly, he nods and takes a seat on the couch, the one where I recently knocked him out on. This is all strange. I feel horrible. I also feel this deep hole burning in my chest. I slowly made it up stairs to our room. "No." I cried out. "No, No, No, No!" I shouted as I fall to my knees. Our room.. His room. It's decorated beautifully, balloons, my favorite flowers. There's a banner strung across the room that says "Happy Birthday Baby" What did I do. I rub my eyes and get up to my feet delicately picking up a flower and smelling it. Presents cover our bed. But two of them stick out.. they aren't wrapped. I pick up the first one, it's in a vanilla envelope. I carefully open it and pull out two tickets. He bought me tickets to Paris. I can't help but cry and shove them back in the envelope. I'm not even going to kill myself and open the other envelope, who knows what it is. Maybe I can open one gift.. I picked up a small wrapped gift and I can't help but laugh through my tears at his wrapping job. It's horrible! But he tried, I can't wait to tease him about it! Wait.. there will be no teasing.. I just lost him. I can't help but start crying again, I shouldn't have done that... I was so rude. I throw the present on the ground and fall back on my knees. Well, now he will have a chance, at happiness without me.. He wants me out by morning, and he wants Evan out. Evan. I tried to compose myself as best as I could, but it's so hard. I feel... worse than when my dad sent me away from him. I quickly went through the drawer of my very few clothes and grabbed a pair of sweats and a t shirt. I can't stand another second in this room. I went out the room and looked back at it once more. The shiny white envelope with "Jessica" written across it intrigues me. I have to know what it is. I quickly rush over and rip the envelope and find a letter. A letter? Noah never writes me letters. I take a seat on the edge of the bed and hold this delicate gift in my hand.


You of all people, know I'm not good with my words and that I don't even care for writing this stupid kind of stuff. But it is your birthday, and I have had this planned for quite sometime. So if you could, don't tease me, and just enjoy this letter, because odds are it won't happen again, unless you agree to marry me one day. Okay, enough with that heavy stuff. Jessica, never in my years of living (not that many years, I'm not an old man) did I ever expect to meet you. You are such a beautiful, perfect and delicate person. I can not imagine living my life without you Miss. Parker. When I first met you and heard your feisty mouth talking about the beast like that, I knew you were something special. Despite the fact that you are younger, and my best friends daughter, I see you for something much more than that. I see you as a beautiful girl who I am lucky enough to love, and be loved by. The best days of my life are spent with you, and the worst were spent without you. I would trade all of my money, and all of my things to ensure your happiniess. I have never cared much about love, or girls feelings for that matter, but it's all different with you, you make me happy, cheerful and laugh. You make me strive to do my best and be a better person. You make me care. You mean more to me than you will ever know. You are my everything. I promise, I will never cheat or harm you physically or mentally. I am yours. Forever yours. No one can take away my feelings for you, and I know that what we have is real, so don't you worry baby, no matter what anyone says or how many people judge us, we have each other, and we always will. Happy Birthday to my life and the woman who holds my heart. I love you so much Jessica.


Ps. You're finally legal! So let's go have sex in my office, who cares if we get caught. ;)

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