Chapter 10: Thank you, Anastasia.

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*Anastasia's POV*

The things I would do for this man. He's having nightmares again, crying, screaming, shaking. It scares me, I've never seen him like this. "Noah.. shh.. Noah, it's okay. I'm right here. Calm down." I whisper stopping him from shaking. His eyes shoot open. "Ana... I'm sorry." he whispers guiltily. "Noah, it's fine. I'll get you a cup of water and then you can go back to bed." I said wiping the sweat off his forehead with my sleeve. "Ana, thank you." he mumbled. I smiled and got up to retrieve his drink. I don't even know how I'm still here. It's been three weeks. THREE WEEKS OF MY LIFE, put on hold. He took me to some island he owns, to get away. But we are both reliving his nightmares about that girl. That final fight on her birthday was it for them, we all knew it. She hasn't tried to contact him, but the fact that we don't have cell reception here, doesn't help. Noah has changed. When I was his girlfriend, we were young and in love and nothing could stop us. I can't help but wonder what would have happened if I never left him. My mistake. Noah was and still is a proper gentleman. He is a caring and genuine guy. I guess that explains why I'm still here, with my life on hold, to take care of a man, who once loved me. I brought him in the cup of water. "Drink up boy." I said smiling. He is now up with his phone in his hands. "Thank you, Anastasia." he said smiling at the phone. "Why do you have that goofy grin!?" I asked. "Come." he said patting the bed. I placed the cup on the nightstand next to us and did as he said. "Look, it's us, way back when." he said looking at a picture of us smiling. "Oh my god, where did you find that!?" I said covering my eyes. "Old facebook account, great, isn't it?" he asked beaming at me. Wow... I remember it like it was yesterday.


"Anastasia! Stop! If I catch you, you will regret it!" Noah screamed. "Bring it on!" I shouted throwing mud at him. We just went for a dip in the pond, and it started to rain. "Ana!" he shrieked. Oh god. I'm trapped. I dove back into the water. "You're mine now, baby." he whispered. I watched as he slowly made his way into the water. "I love when you wear that bikini." he said with lust deep in his voice. I felt my face blushing instantly. "Come show me how much you like it!" I challenged. Immediately feeling embarrassed by my words. His face turned into a grin. "Oh, my dearest Anastasia." he whispered right in front of me. The water comes up to his mid chest and it's practically up to my neck. He leaned down and cupped my face. "I love you, Anastasia." he whispered against my lips. Noah. I love you too. The words couldn't come out. I'm just paralyzed by his beauty. Only he has this effect on me. "No love for me?" he questioned raising his eyebrow. I opened my mouth to speak but he closed it with my finger. "No, I know baby. You don't need to waste your perfect breaths." "Noah, it's not a waste, I love you too." I said with a goofy smile. He scooped me up in his arms. I wrapped my legs around his stomach and my arms around his his neck. I leaned in to kiss him, passionately. I feel so much rage and fire earning for his lips, his body. I feel the rain pelting our faces, making this even more hotter. Just as I was centimeters away from his mouth, he grinned and dunked me under the water. When I resurfaced he was laughing and offering me his hand. "I told you, you were going to regret throwing mud at me and running!" I groaned. "Noah Matthews, you make me so frustrated." I said taking his hand. "My handsome boy, you better be nice to Anastasia!" Noah's mother said grinning. "Nothing but nice to my lady, mother." he said smiling. I wonder how long she's been out here watching us. Her umbrella is bright pink, making her stab out. She is a beautiful women. "Well, I'll leave you two love birds alone, I just came out here to get a picture, so smile my darlings." she said smirking. Noah picked me up bridal style and we both smiled. This is the best day of my life.


"Wow, we were quite in love, weren't we?" Noah asked. "Yes, that we were. Some of my happiest days were spent with you." I said smiling. He leaned in and planted a kiss on the corner of my mouth. I smiled at him sweetly. "Anastasia, I really cannot thank you enough, everything you're doing for me, it helps, a lot. I wouldn't have wanted to spend these last few weeks, with anyone else. I mean that." he whispered. That's not true. He would rather be with her. I know it. But I won't let him know, that I know that. "Can't say I've had a horrible time, it's a beautiful place you've got here Noah!" I said smiling. "My dearest Anastasia, you are still just as beautiful inside and out, as when I met you." He said inching closer to me. He doesn't love me anymore, I know that. I'm no longer in love with him, either. But what the hell, I can be the rebound just this once. We both leaned in and shared a kiss. The love, it still feels like it's there. "Noah." I said stopping the kiss. "Ana?" he questioned. "Can we pick up where we left off?" I asked, out of breath. He grinned and kissed me once more. (WARNING:SEX SCENE. DETAILED.) Wow, this is happening. He shoved his phone and all of the pillows off of the bed, besides one. "We are going to take this slow and easy for you, my sweet, sweet, innocent Anastasia." he said through his teeth. I nodded slowly at his words. I'm not so innocent. I'm not a virgin anymore, I'm an adult.. But whatever, we'll let him have his fun. He fluffed a pillow and placed it under my head. He started with sweet kisses along my neck leading down to my chest. "Shirt off." he demanded. I quickly took it off and threw it to the side. "Good girl, Anastasia." he groaned. He left wet kisses from my neck to my hip bone, licking my belly gently. I thrusted my hips up at him and he smiled. "Patience grasshopper." he whispered. Still likes to torment me, I see. I felt him unbutton my jeans slowly. I reached down to assist him, but he shooed my pants away. "Noah, come on!!" I whined. He let out a laugh, and brought his mouth to meet mine. Just a short, breif, but beautiful kiss. He slowly peeled my pajama shorts off my body and smiled at me. "Beautiful." he whispered against my thighs. I felt my body shutter at his hot breath warming my legs. He trailed kisses from my feet and up to my panties. "Do you have a condom Anastasia?" he asked. "No.. but, I'm on the pill." I answered. "Good." he said slowly peeling my panties off, exposing me. I have nothing on but a cream colored bra now. He smiled at my body with lust. He wasted no time, and stuck two fingers inside of me, the other was used to swirl my clit. I let out many moans. In and out, left and right. "Mmmm.. So wet." he said smirking at me. "You smell so good Ana." he said giving my clit a few jabs with his tongue. He swirled his tongue around down there and I'm losing it. I can feel my stomach clenching. I'm so close, so tense. "Noahh.." I moaned. How does he have this effect on me so soon? He stopped. "No. Not yet Anastasia. I was just getting started... Okay, well, since you seem like you'll let loose any moment, and frankly it's turning me on, I'm going to get naked, and we are going to fuck.. Ana is this okay?" he asked. "Such a gentlemen. But please, shut up and give it to me." I grunted. He laughed at me and proceeded to take his pants off. His body, it's so.. hot. "Faster Noah. Now." I demanded. He wasted no time in taking his pants off and showing his.. friend. It's huge. HOLY FUCK. "Noah, that's not going to fit!" I practically shouted. Noah burst into fits of laughter. "Ana, I'll be slow and gentle. Don't tell me I'm the biggest?" he questioned. "Of course you are, I didn't even think they could come that big. Oh my god Noah." I said shaking my head. "Shh! You're distracting me." he warned. I felt him line himself up with my hole. I had my eyes squeezed shut and my teeth clenched. This is going to hurt. He slowly pressed in and I let out a moan. Not too bad. "What the hell, are you a virgin??" he questioned. "No!" He slid slowly into me until he was all the way in. "I'm going to start moving." he whispered. "Mhm." Slow thrusts, and it feels good. He brought his lips to mine and our tongues danced, hungrily. "Speed it up." I grunted. With that he bit my lip and pulled on it gently. The pace quickened.

"Come Anastasia. I can feel you, your body is tensing around me." he said with pure lust. That was my undoing. He came shortly after me, collapsing on my already drained body. "Anastasia, I love you." he whispered. I know you do, just not like how you love her.

Authors Note:

ANOTHER UPDATE. Haaa, crazy. This chapter is kind of short, but it's just like a little info chapter on Anastsia & I fit in a sex scene, since I've been getting requests for that, and also this chapter is dedicated too Essa_shorteey !! thanks for your comments, you're always one of the first person to respond on the updates! LOVEEEE YOUU! 😘💞 & Because of your comment, I updated so early with this chapter. So heeey, your welcome ;P! Anyways, I feel like I'm losing readers, ahah do I suck that bad!? BUT LETS HAVE A PARTY BECAUSE BOOK NUMBER ONE IS ALMOST AT 4OK READS. Insane, love you all. Comment, vote, and read. I'll dedicate the next chapter to someone too! 💞💞💞😘😍

PS. Did you guys like the flashback?

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