Chapter Sixteen

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"FOR the last time, Saber, I'm driving down. Just give it a rest, already. I'll see you in like five hours."

"Goddammit, Juliet. You're going to make me crazy," Saber snarled back at me. "Why do you have to be so stubborn?"

"It's just part of my nature, I guess." I clipped on my bra and slipped an old t-shirt from Violet's closet over my head. Digging around in my backpack, I found my contacts case, and headed for the mirror so I could put them in. It almost always took me a good five or ten minutes in the morning to actually get the lenses to stay in my eyes. Luckily, that day it only took me about 90 seconds, which was a personal best.

"Juliet Grace! Breakfast is ready!" Mom called up from the kitchen.

"You know, there are already four accidents between Clearwater and Briarwood?" Before I could answer, he went on to tell me about all the dangers I could face throughout the entire drive. The whole time he talked, I spent getting ready to go.

"As much as I appreciate the safety review, I think I'll be okay." I tried to keep the laughter out of my voice, but I didn't do a very good job.

"Please just stay there."

"Saber, I promise, I'll follow all the traffic laws, and I'll be in Briarwood before you know it." The fact that he cared enough to be so annoyingly worried, actually made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Do you have a SAT phone?"

"No, why would I?" I giggled as I walked downstairs, dropping my bags by the front door before I made my way into the kitchen where an array of food was spread across the serving counter, just waiting to be eaten. My mom had really gone all out.

"Because they're extremely useful when you get into areas where there's no cell reception." Saber sighed softly and I imagined his eyes were doing that thing where they flickered back and forth between dark gray and silver.

"You're over thinking this. At most, I'll get caught in stop and go traffic for a few hours while the looky-loos stare at overheated cars and mild fender-benders. You're completely underestimating my driving skills."

"Probably because you don't have a car," Sumner guessed, shoving his face full of the pancakes Mom had made.

"Or maybe because you're super clutzy." Violet grinned at me, piling her plate high with food before she went to sit down next to Rosalie.

On the phone, Saber chuckled a little. "Alright, alright. I'll give it a rest. I'll see you later."

"Thanks. I'll try to be home before five. Where do you want me to meet you?" I was keenly aware of my family listening in on the conversation, so I tried to keep it as short as possible.

"Well... about that..." Saber took a deep breath and I felt myself gearing up to be disappointed. "Grams wants me to have dinner with the family tonight. I told her we had class, but she's kinda insisting. So, I can pick you up after you get home and we can go to class and then have dinner with my family... If that's okay with you. 'Cause if not-"

"That sounds fine." I tried to hold in my laughter, especially since nobody was being very sly about their eavesdropping.

"You sure?" He almost sounded happy about it.

"Yeah. I like your grandma." I blushed right after I blurted the words out, and Sumner immediately started snickering at my side. I would've elbowed him if Mom hadn't been in the room.

"She says the same about you. Okay, I'll meet you at your place around six. Be safe on the road. I'm serious."

"I will. See ya." I hung up the phone before the conversation could last any longer and I ducked my head, focusing on my plate of food.

Unapologetically, JulietWhere stories live. Discover now