Chapter Nineteen

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SABER and I showed up at my brother's house at practically the same time. It was on the west side of Briarwood where only the really rich people lived. It wasn't as obscenely huge as some of their neighbors, but it was far bigger than anything I'd ever be able to buy. Not that I would want to anyway.

"How the hell do they afford this?" he questioned walking up next to me on the sidewalk and staring up at the monstrosity.

"Maya has a ridiculous trust fund from her grandparents, and Chance is the cheapest bastard on the planet." Seriously, he saved every cent he had from the time that he started working at thirteen, until pretty much the day they bought the house and he was hired at the lawyer's office he worked at. I always forgot the name of that damn place.

"You ready for this?"

"Are you?"

"No. Usually I hate games. But I'd like to see you have fun with your brothers."

I laughed. "We all hate most of the games we play. We only do it 'cause Maya tells my mom and then my mom gets on our case about being nice to our future sister-in-law. Why do you think I tried so hard to get uninvited?"

Saber shot me a grin right as Pierce's car pulled up. "Besides, Grams is insisting on having you over sometime soon, so just remember that I did this for you."

"I would go even if you didn't," I retorted, as Pierce sauntered up to us and the three of us stood outside the front door together.

"We still have time to just turn around and get some Chinese food," Pierce muttered, right before I knocked on the heavy wooden door. "You know, they do have a doorbell."

"I know." But I'd forgotten. I stepped back so he could ring it, and it was only a few seconds later that I heard some commotion on the other side of the door.

"Pierce! I'm so glad – oh. It's you." Maya's smile slipped off her face the second she saw me and I would've laughed if it wasn't cold as shit outside and I didn't want to be all warm by her fireplace. Her eyes shifted to Saber and her smile was back in a flash. "You look familiar, have we met before?"

Slowly, he shook her outstretched hand before she moved aside and beckoned us all in. "Not exactly. I saw you at the hospital. I'm Saber."

"Like a light saber?" Maya's eyes flashed a little and she shot him a look that made me feel dirty, and it wasn't even aimed at me.

"I'd like to think not," I blurted, and then blushed profusely. "I mean, uhm..."

Maya laughed at me. "What else would it be? I bet your dad was a huge Star Wars fan."

We both looked over at Saber and he shook his head. "Saber Tooth Tiger, believe it or not. My dad likes animals."

"Knew it," I muttered under my breath, but Maya must've heard me because her head snapped in my direction.

"Leave Pierce's friend alone, Juliet." She smiled at the guys before calling over her shoulder, "Chance! You have visitors!" When she turned back to me her emerald eyes narrowed. "My sister's here, so be nice."

I shot her my best mischievous grin and didn't bother responding as my brother rounded the corner and came into view. When he saw Pierce his eyes lit up, but then he spotted me and his face fell the same way Maya's had. Obviously, I wasn't welcome. It was bound to be an interesting night.

"Juliet, what are you and your friend doing here?"

"I invited them, Chance. It'll be more fun this way." Pierce grinned and sauntered away, leaving Maya, Chance, Saber, and I standing in the entryway.

Unapologetically, JulietWhere stories live. Discover now