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Once i get to school i go to my locker. The bell goes. I walk to homeroom and sit next to Christina.


Me, Uriah and Marlene walk to the gang. "Hey guys!" i say. I get a chorus of 'heys' and 'hellos'.

After talking the room goes silent so we stop talking. "Kara! You got a call from the office" the principal says clearly out of breath. "That would be the DEO (Department of Extranormal Operations)" i reply "They were going to send you through to the prime minister" I hear a lot of gasps. "I'm going to have to take the next period off." i run to my motor bike and get on i drive to where they said their location was.

When i arrive the DEO, Hank says "Go to the school and look out the window." I reply "Why?" Did he seriously just call me to come here are to go back? "No Time to explain just go" Hank says. I go back to my motorbike and ride it back to school. By the time i get there it's next period MUSIC! I get off my motorbike and walk in. "Sing then look out the window" I hear in my ear. I walk in and everyone stops their convostations and looks at me "KARA! Your here you and barry and going to sing!" oh boy "But I want something original" Tori says (Ms. Wu) "Me and barry are going to sing superfriend."


At times like these when life is getting me down

And the world seems like it's gonna end-ship

There's at least one power that we both still have

And that's the power of




Yeah, that's exactly what I was gonna say!


Yeah, it's an easy rhyme


I'm your super friend

Your super friend

I'll be there in the nick of time

If you're ever in a spot


And if not there in time

You can just go back in time

And give it another shot


I'm actually not supposed to do that anymore


Oh, okay




I'm your super friend

Super friend


When you need a compliment

I can rattle off a dozen

For instance, I have to say I'm not impressed

By your more famous cousin


Thank you! No one ever says that!


Oh, he's all like "Oh, I'm Superman!"


That's a really good impression




I'm your super friend

Super friend


When it comes to buddies, pal, you're the best


I love you more than the lightning bolt I wear on my chest


If you're ever sad, I'll bring you flowers


You can list "soprano" as one of your powers


Hey, if you're ever broke


I've got the cash!


On my couch


You're welcome to crash


And if you ever need a hand


I'll be there in a flash




That was funny!


I'm your super

(It has a double meaning!)


Once we have finished, I run to the window and freeze. "Kara?" I ignore them and get a whiteboard pen and draw a circle on the window. "Everyone get your phones out check BBC News and Twitter!" I say "TWITTER?!?" Uriah asks "why?" Lauren asks. "#planeshavestopped" i say (it says # planes have stopped if you cant read it)


I might do short chapters! .



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