A New Start.

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       "You bitch, why don't you leave! Your a waste of space anyways." He then slaps me after he takes another swig from his beer bottle in his hand. "Get out of my sight before I kill you." He yells, walking away from me, probably going to get another beer. I quickly run off to my room and lock the door. I just sit there and cry. I know I could leave him I'm old enough but my mom died and I was trying to take care of her stuff, besides I couldn't go to college no money. No matter how old I got he was abusive and drunk. I wanted to help him but he just didn't want help.

     I wake up on the bus I was taking to New Orleans. I was finally doing what my abusive Father wanted. I took his beer money and ran. He would never find me, or he wouldn't look. New Orleans was the cheapest bus so I took it. I had my small bag and that was it. No cell phone just clothes.

     Once I got off the bus I walk around the city to see if I could find a job. I would worry about a place to sleep later, but if I find work then I can save up money for a place. The main street was filled with people. Walking I ran into this one bar that was hiring. It was a pretty busy place as I had to move between people to get to the bar.

   "What can I get ya?" A beautiful blonde blue eyes bartender asks me. I didn't know what exactly to say.

"I see that your hiring, can I sign up for the job?" I ask, scooting between two people who were sitting at the bar.

"Have you ever bartended before?" She asks, pulling out a piece of paper from under the bar. I shake my head,

"I'm a quick learner though, please just give me a chance." I plead, looking into her eyes, she did look like a nice person.

"Fill this out, come back tomorrow, and I'll see what you can do." I smile and take the paper from her.

"Thank you." I say, before making my way out of the bar. Now it was time to worry on where I should sleep. I walk around some more and run into a beautiful park. I sit down on a bench and look at what I need to fill out. It was the basic questions I was anticipating.

     The next morning I wake up early enough that no one is walking past and looking at me. My body was super sore. I realize I should probably change my clothes so the bartender doesn't think that I'm a slum, even though I may be. I start to walk to see if there's a public restroom I could use or go somewhere and buy myself a cheap cup of coffee. After not finding a public restroom I go to a coffee shop and buy a coffee. I change my clothes into something more presentable.

     I realize the bar opens early, so I walk in to look around for the blonde girl. I find her and she was talking to a blonde man. I could not see all of his features from the side. The bartender notices me and leaves the man quickly, making him look at me. He was blonde, blue eyes, and had a little bit of facial hair.

"Welcome back! Are you ready to start?" I was a little taken aback but realizing this may be the only place to hire me.

"Yes, of course." I reply, she gives me a smile and takes the paper from me.

"Well Kaylee, I'm Camille. You can call me Cami if you'd like." Camille says, as she starts to walk back towards the bar. I follow her and she starts to talk about what I'll be doing. "This job is basically easy. People down here likes regular burban. We don't really make any fancy drinks. The glasses are here and as you can see the alcohol is behind you."

"Seems easy enough." I say to myself, Camille hands me an apron, and I quickly put it on.

"Let's see what you got." She says, motioning me to help out people at the bar.

"Hi what can I get you today?" I ask the random couple and they reply quick with there order.

"Two straight whiskey please." The man replies. I grab the glasses from underneath place them infront and then around to find the whiskey. Cami doesn't help me but I find it. I pour what I think is the right amount and push them towards the people.

    "You're a natural." Cami says, making me smile. "Keep working and if you need any help I'm here."

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