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      "Can I ask what that was about?" Camille and I were walking back to what I think is her apartment.

"Klaus isn't a good guy. I would stay as far away from him as possible." She replies, she was being very over protective for someone she just met.

"Why don't you then?" I ask, remembering seeing her talking to him. "I've seen you talk to him at the bar before."

"It was my own mistake for getting to know him. Just promise me you'll stay away. I don't want to see you get hurt." I could tell from Camille's eyes she was very serious about this.

"I promise." Was all I could really say back. "I better get ready for work." I say, and She just nods her head. I don't think she was working tonight, so I may be alone managing the bar.

    The day starting off slow, but I knew once the night came it would get busy. My attention was taking away from Klaus walking into the bar. He sits down at the same table he always sits in. I walk over to get his order.

   "What can I get you today?" I ask, and he looks up at me and soon realized it was me again.

"Good to see you again, Kaylee. I'm sorry about Camille she can be a little overprotective sometimes." Klaus says, and I didn't really know what to say.

"What's so dangerous about you?" I blurt out not meaning to really say that. "She said your trouble." His smirk grows.

"There's a lot of things messed up about me." Niklaus declares, making me raise my eyebrow. "I'll take straight bourbon please." He adds, finally breaking eye contact. I walk away from the table. I take other people's order at the bar and finally take Klaus his drink. I don't say anything else, because I figured there may be something mentally wrong with him. My Dad was like that, so I decided it would be a good idea to stay away.

     I closed up the bar by myself, cleaned by myself, and left by myself. I still didn't know the streets that well, but I did find a short cut to Cami's apartment. It was through a short alley way. Not a lot of people I noticed walk down this way, so I was alone. I continue walking but after hearing footsteps that weren't mine I start to walk faster. Somehow someone appeared infront of me.

"What's a pretty lady like you doing this late at night?" He asks, walking closer to me. I step back trying to find a way out of this. I start to run taking that as my only option, but the man appears in front of me. Impossible.

"How?" I ask, and before I knew it he quickly bites my neck. This was not happening, vampires do not exist. I scream, trying to push this man off of me. I was losing energy and soon enough I wouldn't be able to fight anymore. The man was basically wripped off of me by someone else that I could not see. I fall to the ground, losing all my senses. The man who saved me comes back, it was Niklaus. It looks like he bites his wrist and he shoves his wrist in my mouth.

"Drink, Kaylee." He demands. What I was tasting is blood, it was disgusting. By force I swallow a lot, but the crazy thing was a start to feel better. My hand goes to neck and the bite was gone. This was all to much, and I pass out.

    "Klaus, this is exactly why I told her to stay away from you!" The voice sounded like Camille, and I'm assuming Niklaus was here too. I don't open my eyes yet.

"How is this my fault? I'm the one who saved her, shouldn't you be thanking me?" He asks, and just by the tone of his voice he probably had a smirk written on his face. I feel like he's one of those guys.

"When she wakes up compel her to forget what happened and to forget you. I don't want an innocent person to get hurt." What does she mean compel? Vampires are real? I wake up. I completely forget about Cami and Niklaus because I was not in the apartment.

   "Where am I?" I ask, my voice a little shaky. The room was very old school, filled with dark reds and blacks. By the size of the room I could tell this was house really big.

"Your in my house." Niklaus states, and he comes to sit in front of me. I was on a bed, also with black and reds.

"Vampires are real." I declare. I look over at Cami who was clearly worried.

"Yes they are." Klaus replies, and Cami didn't like that answer.

"What do you think your doing?" Camille asks, sounding pissed off.

"I'm telling her the truth, she deserves to know what attacked her." He turns around and says to Cami. How did he save me? By his blood?

"Your a vampire." I state, fully looking into his eyes. Almost like I was trying to search for the answer myself.

"Yes, I am." He answers truthfully.

"By doing this Klaus, she's going to be in danger." Camille says, she knew about what he was. That's why she wanted me to stay away from him.

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