My New Apartment.

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     "What can I get you today?" I ask some random person at the bar. I was back working at the bar. For a second I completely forgot I had a job. The tips were good and it's a busy night. Luckily Camille was working with me, and we work pretty well together. "What would you like to drink?" I ask Elijah Mikaelson who was sitting at Klaus' spot.

"I'm actually wondering how you tamed my brother and made him want the baby the other day." I'm a little surprised that he thinks I'm the reason that Klaus is keeping the child. I just knew Klaus needed a push in the right direction and I was hoping that I could do that. I could see that even if Niklaus kept hiding the truth, deep down he wanted this child. 

"I just told him that family comes first,  seeing that this family is based off each other. I could tell it would be best if he had a reason to be good." I reply, looking around to see if I need to pick up another table. I know it's Elijah Mikaelson and Camille wouldn't say anything to me if I was talking to him the whole night, but I still felt bad. 

"I would just like to thank you for doing that. Klaus doesn't listen to a lot of people but he listens to you. You know the reason for that?" Elijah asks another question I cannot answer. I shrug my shoulders, leaning against the bar. 

"No I don't. All I know is Camille asks me to give him a chance and I am. Now if you wouldn't like something to drink, I'm going to go to another table." I make known that I'm ready to leave this conversation.

"Glass of bourbon please." He replies, and I nod my head, sitting up and walk away. Along the way I pick up other orders. The bar really began to get packed full while I was talking to Elijah. I know he's an honest and trustworthy man. I just don't see how he holds so much respect for me. He barely knows who I am. 

     My shift was over and it was only 3:30. I luckily didn't work tonight but Camille does. I double check to make sure she doesn't need me to work with her. She doesn't budge, so I leave. I would have liked to stay to pick up some extra cash, since I don't have anything better to do. 

"How was work?" Niklaus asks, I stop walking and turn around. I was correct it was him indeed. How the hell does this man always find me? 

"It was good. May I ask what you want?" I ask him, and he smirks.

"Walk with me." He demands, and I cross my arms infront of my chest. "Playing hard to get are we?" Niklaus asks.

"Where will we be walking to?" I ask him, and so what if I was playing a little hard to get. I'm not going to fall in to this mans arms. I constantly forget that he's the worlds most notorious killer and no one knows. 

"To your new apartment." Klaus replies nonchalantly. My eyes open wide in shock.

"Your kidding right?" I ask, uncrossing my arms from my chest. I quicken my pace to keep up with him. This has to be some sort of sick joke. Who just has the money or the care to get someone they barely know an apartment. 

"Do I look like I kid?" He asks, and I shake my head. No he wouldn't because he's a boring person. "Well would you like me to show you or not?" I start to walk with him. I honestly thought he was joking. The apartment was right across from him house. He hands me the keys and I open the room number that was on the key.

"Woah." I say to myself, this place was huge. I start to walk around but see Klaus is still standing in the doorway.

"The apartment is in your name. I can't enter unless you invite me in." He asserts, and I look at him with confusion written on my face. "I'm a vampire we can't enter people's house without their permission." The weird rules to the paranormal. It's nice to have so I know I will be safe from vampires in here. 

"I don't think it's a good idea if I invite you in. Doesn't that mean you can come when ever you please?" He smirks and looks down at the floor. He begins to nod is head, 

"You are correct and probably making the right decision. Tell me you at least like the apartment though?" I smile at him and stand right at the edge of the doorway so he couldn't touch me and there was enough space between us.

"I love it, but I can't afford to pay you back." I declare, and he starts to laugh.

"A plus about being able to compel anyone is you never have to pay for anything." I shake my head, feeling a little dumb that I didn't think about that. I also don't like that those are his tactics to getting whatever he wants. 

"Well even if you used your compulsion thank you for giving me this apartment. I knew there was some good in you after all." I tell him and he doesn't smirk at me, he just simply smiles.

"Right now your the only one who see's that." Niklaus declares, and I shake my head.

"Your wrong. Your brother Elijah see's the good in you." I say, and for a moment I see a look of regret on his face. "What did you do?" I begin to panic because I just saw Elijah earlier today. How could something change so quickly?

"Lets just say I may have stabbed him in his back." Klaus answers me, and yet again he shows me that he is truly evil. I step back from the door, regretting saying all the nice things to him. I always have hope then he makes it clear that I shouldn't have faith in him. 

"You killed your brother." I state for him, but he shakes his jead.

"No one can kill an original, but there are ways to put us asleep. That's what I did." I roll my eyes, and get ready to close the door.

"Klaus, when I think your not that bad of a guy you do something that makes me feel dumb for believing that. Go wake up your brother." I say to him before closing the door on his face.

     Looking around the apartment I figured out I'm going to need to buy blinds so Klaus won't be peeping in. It was nice of him to buy me this. I just wish he could just stay good. I know I shouldn't be helping the family, but I can't stay away for some odd reason. To me it felt like I needed to help them.

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